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Updated: 28-01-2025 at 7:46 AM
The government of India recently approved the 8th Pay Commission announced by the Information and Broadcasting Minister, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw. It is one of the most awaited news, especially for central government employees as the commission comes with revised salaries and pensions.
Read the news article to learn more about the provisions announced through the 8th Pay Commission.
The recent approval of the 8th Pay Commission which would start working as the 7th Pay Commission completes its running in 2026. Pay Commissions are usually introduced in the gap of every 10 years and comprise various changes or updates for the betterment of people and the development of the nation.
Read More: Minimum Pension Under UPS Following The 8th Pay Commission
The 7th Pay Commission recommended an increase in the salaries and pensions of central govt employees and following that, along with an increased Dearness Allowance of 53%, the employees and pensioners are expecting an increase in their net salaries and pensions as well.
Recommendations made in the 7th Pay Commission expressed that there should be an increase from 7000 p.m. to 18,000 p.m. with a fitment factor of 2.57 times basic pay. After considering all the factors like inflation, experts and professionals have estimated the fitment factor to be in the range of 2.5-2.8 which means that the salaries might increase up to Rs. 40,000 – Rs. 45,000.
These changes would be implemented through the Central Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules of 2025.
The 8th Pay Commission is also expected to introduce revisions to the existing Dearness Allowances (DA) and House Rent Allowances (HRA) which would help in increasing the salaries of the govt employees.
A multiplier used to calculate the revised salaries and pensions is termed the fitment factor. It is one of the most crucial components of the Pay Commissions as it helps in determining the revised salaries and pensions.
As per the recommendations made in the 8th Pay Commission, a fitment factor of 2.57 or around that number should be applied for all central govt employees. According to this, the minimum salaries would increase from 7000 p.m. to 18,000 p.m.
Individuals can calculate estimated increases in salaries based on fitment factors.
If the basic salary is set at Rs. 40,000 per month and the fitment factor is set at Rs. 2.5, the salary would increase to Rs. 1 lakh per month without any Dearness Allowance as it is added up later.
The 8th Pay Commission is expected to have an increase in the salaries and pensions of the central govt employees which would not only help them in improving their lives but would boost their morale and job satisfaction as well.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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