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Helping India's Athletes: Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons



Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:23 AM



Helping India's Athletes: Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons

The Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons (PDUNWFS) was launched to provide financial aid and assistance to sports people. It is for those sportspersons who have brought immense respect and glory to the nation. Let’s learn how this government scheme for athletes is helping them to have a better life.

What Is Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons?

The Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons was launched by the Ministry Of Youth Affairs & Sports. The scheme shall be a sub-scheme of the National Welfare Schemes for Sportspersons.

The main aim of the scheme is to provide suitable assistance to outstanding sports persons who are now disabled due to exhausting and gruelling training sessions.

What Are The Objectives Of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons?

The main objectives of this government scheme for athletes are to help injured and disabled sports persons are

  • Provide appropriate assistance to sports persons injured during training or competitions, tailored to the nature of the injury.

  • Offer suitable medical treatment.

  • Promote the welfare of sportspersons.

  • Reduce distress among sportspersons and their families.

  • Provide financial assistance.

  • Address other needs considered fit by the General Committee.

Benefits Of Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons

There are several benefits associated with this government scheme for athletes:

  • Assists sports persons living in poor conditions: A lump sum of a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs is offered to them. An addition of Rs. 5,000 of monthly pension may also be provided to outstanding sportspersons.

  • Assistance for injuries: A lump sum of Rs. 10 lakhs may be offered to sportspersons for any injuries sustained during training.

  • Assistance to families of deceased sportspersons: A lump sum of Rs. 5 lakhs may be provided to families of deceased sportspersons living in poor conditions.

  • Assistance for medical treatment: A lump sum of Rs. 2 lakhs may be provided for any medical treatment to sports persons living in poor conditions.

  • Assistance to coaches, support personnel, umpires, referees, and match officials: A lump sum of a maximum of Rs. 2 lakhs may be provided to coaches and

support personnel such as sports doctors, sports psychologists, sports mentors,

physiotherapists, masseurs, umpires, referees and match officials.

Also read: Punjab Sports Council To Provide Lifetime Stipends For Athletes

Eligibility Criteria To Avail Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons

The eligibility criteria for availing of this government scheme for athletes are:

  • For assistance to sportspersons living in poor circumstances/Assistance to Families of deceased Sportspersons/Assistance for Medical Treatment to sportspersons or family members:

  1. Sportspersons who have retired in the recent past.

  2. Sportspersons who have won medals in individual events or team events in the National Games and National Championships (Senior category) conducted by National Sports Federations (NSFs), recognized by the Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports.

  3. Sportspersons who have participated in International sports events such as the Olympic Games, Paralympics, Deaflympics, Asian Games, Para-Asian Games, Commonwealth Games, World Cup/Championship, Asian Championship, Commonwealth Championship in the senior category in the sports disciplines included in Olympics.

  • Assistance for injuries sustained during training:

  1. Sportspersons, whose parents are living in poor circumstances.

  2. Sportspersons belonging to those sports disciplines whose Federations are either de-recognized or whose recognition has been suspended by the Government or the Federations who have so far not received the recognition from the Government.

  • Assistance to coaches and support personnel/Assistance for medical treatment to coaches and support personnel:

Coaches and support personnel such as sports doctors, sports psychologists, sports mentors, physiotherapists, masseurs, umpires, referees and match officials, who are living in poor circumstances or family members of such deceased support personnel living in poor circumstances.

  • Assistance for training, procurement of equipment, and participation in national and international sports events:

  1. Sportspersons, whose parents are living in indigent circumstances.

  2. Sportspersons who are availing of any other scheme of the ministry can also avail themselves of this.

  3. Sportspersons from sports whose federations are either no longer recognised, temporarily suspended, or not yet recognised by the government will also be eligible for assistance.

Application Process For The Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons

Find out the complete online and offline process for availing of the benefits of the National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons below.

Online Process

  1. Visit the official registration page.

  2. Register using a mobile number and OTP.

  3. Fill out the required details.

  4. Applicants will get the login credentials via a registered email ID.

  5. Then visit the login portal of the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports.

  6. Login to the account.

  7. Update details.

  8. Click on ‘Schemes’.

  9. Then go to the "Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons" scheme.

Offline Process

For offline applications, the applicant must send the application in the format mentioned in the scheme guidelines.

  • Then send the application to Member - Secretary, Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund for Sportspersons (PDUNWFS), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi - 110001

Documents Required For The Application Process

The following are the required documents to apply for the scheme:

  • Passport Size Photo and Signature

  • Proof of Age / DOB

  • Proof of Achievements / Participation in National or International Level sports events

  • Bank Details

  • Mandate Form

  • Copy of Cancelled Cheque

  • Annual Income of the applicant

  • Declaration (signed by the applicant and two witnesses)

  • Mobile number

  • Email ID

Read more: Haryana Provision Of Sports Equipment Scheme: A Boon For The Athletes


The Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons is an immensely helpful government scheme for athletes who require financial assistance for medical expenses and basic needs. This Sarkari scheme also helps improve the livelihoods of them and reduces the financial burden.

To learn more about the Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay National Welfare Fund For Sportspersons, click here. For any queries regarding the scheme, call 18002025155 or 18002585155 or send an email to

You can also reach out to Jaagruk Bharat through their community page with any questions that you might come across.

Frequently Asked Questions




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Samridhi is a seasoned content and digital marketer with a knack for turning even complex ideas into relatable stories. With years of experience under her belt, she specialises in helping readers navigate the often confusing world of government policies with ease. She believes understanding your rights should not seem like cracking a secret code. Samridhi is dedicated to making sure everyone, from curious, budding entrepreneurs to senior citizens, feels informed about their rights and responsibilities. Samridhi believes that knowledge is power, and her work isn’t merely about delivering the facts but also making them resonate at everyone’s level. Her interests lie particularly in social welfare programs, economic issues, and other critical issues. Follow Jaagruk Bharat on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news and insights on government policies and schemes. ... Read more

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