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Updated: 30-11-2024 at 8:30 AM
Traffic offences are not only a threat to lives but also an interference with the normal functioning of traffic systems. Due to increasing cases of road accidents and for proper regulation and discipline on Indian roads, the Government of India has amended the Motor Vehicles Act in 2019.
In Delhi, holding these new rules over since the 1st of September, 2019, they are meant to prevent reckless forceful actions on the roads, enforce compliance, along with promoting a safer environment on roads. The following article gives a detailed report of traffic offences as well as the fines in Delhi to increase awareness among the people and avoid any condemnation.
E-Challan is an electronic ticket system used by Delhi Traffic Police to do away with the conventional traffic challans for traffic offences like violation of insurance laws. It simplifies the work, cuts on paperwork and increases productivity.
The below-mentioned table below showcases detailed information regarding the updated list of traffic violations and fines in Delhi.
Traffic Violation | Vehicle Type | Penalty |
Driving without a valid Driving Licence | All vehicles | 5,000 |
Driving without valid insurance | All vehicles | 2,000 (4,000 for repeat offense) |
Driving without a valid Registration Certificate | All vehicles | 5,000 (10,000 for repeat offence) |
Overspeeding | LMV, MMV/HTV | 2,000 (LMV), 4,000 (MMV/HTV) |
Driving under the influence of alcohol/substances | All vehicles | 10,000 and/or 6 months imprisonment (15,000 and/or 2 years for a repeat offence) |
Dangerous driving | All vehicles | 5,000 and/or 6 months to 1 year imprisonment, seizure of licence |
Red light jumping | All vehicles | 1,000 |
Racing and speeding | All vehicles | 5,000 and/or 3 months imprisonment (10,000 and/or 1 year for a repeat offence), community service |
Using a mobile phone while driving | All vehicles | 5,000 (10,000 for repeat offence) |
Driving without wearing a seatbelt | Car, van, truck, etc. | 1,000 |
Riding without a helmet (rider/pillion) | Two-wheelers | 1,000 |
Defective/unfastened helmet | Two-wheelers | 1,000 |
Violating stop line/yellow line | All vehicles | 500 (1,500 for repeat offense) |
Overloading (triple riding) | Two-wheelers | 1,000 |
Not giving way to emergency vehicles | All vehicles | 10,000 |
Driving after disqualification | All vehicles | 10,000 |
Juvenile-related offenses | All vehicles | 25,000, 3 years imprisonment, 1-year registration cancellation; juvenile barred from licence until 25 |
Carrying goods in a passenger vehicle | All vehicles | 500 (1,500 for repeat offense) |
Driving without a valid permit | Transport/goods vehicles | 10,000 |
Using pressure horn | All vehicles | 5,000 (10,000 for repeat offence) |
Using a horn in No Honking/Silence zones | All vehicles | 1,000 (2,000 for repeat offence) |
Disobeying law enforcement | All vehicles | 2,000 |
Allowing an unauthorized person to drive | All vehicles | 5,000 |
Driving without a valid PUC certificate | All vehicles | 10,000 |
Not displaying/fancy/defective number plate | All vehicles | 5,000 (10,000 for repeat offence) |
Violation of road regulations | All vehicles | 500 to 2,000 |
Driving without an HSRP number plate | Cars | Up to 10,000 |
Also read: Aadhar Card Loan
All drivers and riders must follow these rules to ensure smooth traffic flow and road safety:
There are a few ways to get a traffic ticket. Find out below.
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You can pay your Delhi e-Challan using digital platforms:
The following steps showcase the details in the step-by-step format to pay Delhi traffic e-challan online via the Pariwahan Seva Website:-
Step 1: To do this, visit parivahan.gov.in and click on Online Services > eChallan.
Step 2: About your driving licence number, your vehicle number or the challan number.
Step 3: This paper will review the offenders and fines presented.
Step 4: You may pay using a debit/credit card or through internet banking.
Step 5: To complete the transaction; save the receipt and acknowledgement with the Transaction ID.
The following steps showcase the details in the step-by-step format to pay the Delhi traffic e-challan online via the Tatpar Delhi Police App:-
Step 1: Get the TATPAR app from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.
Step 2: Now, please, check your mobile number and choose an e-Challan option.
Step 3: Input values offence details, vehicle number, and the registration, etc.
Step 4: Pay the amount either through UPI, credit card, or debit card.
Step 5: You are notified with an SMS or an email containing an authentication code.
The following points showcase the details of how the traffic challan works in Delhi:-
The following steps showcase the details in the step-by-step format to pay Delhi traffic e-challan offline:-
Step 1: To check challan details people need to visit the official transport website of the state.
Step 2: Print the e-Challan and prepare a check, demand draft, or pay order payable to:
Step 3: Management office DCP/Traffic, Traffic Police Headquarters Delhi India.
Step 4: Enclose the payment combined with the challan at the required office.
Step 5: Get an SMS or an email message containing your Transaction ID.
Step 6: Your e-Challan will be archived after payment has been made and your e-Chalan shall be voided.
One can settle their pending traffic challan if any by following the steps mentioned below:
One can also check their pending challans by downloading the Delhi Traffic Police App or by sending an SMS to 7738299899 with the vehicle number.
Read more: How To Settle Traffic Challan At Lok Adalat Hassle-Free? Here Is a Guide!
The National Lok Adalat has set a limit on the maximum number of pending challans:
It is to be noted that certain challans cannot be taken to the Lok Adalat such as:
The National Lok Adalat has made it possible to get the challan fee reduced. It was a one-time opportunity to settle your challan with some reduction or complete exemption from paying it.
The National Lok Adalat took up cases, including the settlement of compoundable traffic challans (applicable for commercial vehicles as well) that were pending on the Traffic Police portal.
To pay off the challan, the National Lok Adalat set up sessions from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Dwarka, Karkardooma, Patiala House, Rohini, Rouse Avenue, Saket, and Tis Hazari district courts on May 11, 2024.
People carried their challans in printed form that were to be downloaded from the Delhi Traffic Police website.
"This link will be activated from May 7, 2024, at 10 a.m., till the limit of challans and notifications gets exhausted. To get challans disposed of, visit the stated court number in the court complex as mentioned in the printout of the challan notice at the prescribed time slot allotted,” said Delhi Traffic Police on social media before the session.
There was a certain limit that they came up with. Only five notices and two challans were allowed per private vehicle, and only two challans per commercial vehicle.
According to IPS Hargobinder Singh Dhaliwal, special commissioner of police Zone 2, Delhi Traffic Police, "the initiative of Lok Adalat has proven instrumental in providing a more accessible avenue for individuals to address their pending traffic challans and associated legal matters. By offering a streamlined and informal process, it not only eases the burden on the traditional legal system but also expedites the resolution process for those involved in traffic violations."
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This initiative not only helps reduce the challans and notices but also motivates the citizens to pay their challans.
Even though challans are given to instil more responsibility among the drivers, most times they don’t end up going to court to pay them. But with this initiative, more citizens are coming forward to pay their challans.
"This initiative tackles multiple challenges. Firstly, it seeks to simplify the resolution process for traffic violations, lightening the load on the traditional legal system and expediting outcomes for individuals. Secondly, it acts as a tool to foster adherence to traffic regulations by offering a user-friendly platform for addressing pending challenges and legal issues. Furthermore, these initiatives harmonise with broader endeavours to improve road safety and traffic control in the city, promoting conscientious conduct among rivers," says Dhaliwal from the Delhi Traffic Police.
Traffic challans are like warnings that remind people to drive safely and follow the rules. Traffic challans are like reminders from the police when drivers break rules, like speeding or not wearing seatbelts. They remind people to drive safely and follow the rules, which helps prevent accidents.
When drivers pay the fines for these challans, the government uses that money to fix roads and help the community. So, traffic challans help keep everyone safe on the roads and make sure our neighbourhoods stay safe.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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