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Updated: 28-01-2025 at 7:45 AM
Crime has grown progressively complicated, especially in the cyber world. Another recent scam is when people are called by fake numbers and impersonating the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI). These fraudsters simulate real-life scenarios by making calls, they get individuals to disclose the details of their accounts or sensitive information. This article details the process of these scams, the threats that are associated with them and what you can do to protect yourself.
Read More: Cyber Scams Shocking Cases And Safety Tips For 2025
TRAI scam calls are those calls where the fraudsters imitate officials informing people that their particular number has been involved in some wrongdoings. Such a call tends to scare the victim into surrendering certain details or cash by applying pressure tactics.
Origin of such calls: Such calls arrive from unknown or international numbers with UNKNOWN values or codes such as +977. These codes are then utilised by scammers to conceal their identity to make it appear as if they are credible and trustworthy.
Scripted messages: The calls use computer-generated voice messages that imitate those that are official and from the government. The usual deceptive email alerts people to some purported legal wrongdoing and tells them they must press the ‘9’ key for more information.
Tactics used: Their main technique is to spread some sort of threat that the user is required to act upon as soon as possible, including suspension of the mobile number.
Such practices are more dangerous because they apply and use the tag of the caller from the government agencies and try to threaten people by talking about legal consequences. They cause fear, which makes the victims accept their requests.
Trust exploitation: While doing such malpractice, the scammers use the name TRAI and people fall victim in the name of government institutions.
Use of fake terms: Policies such as “Digital Arrest” are invented and sound professional to innocent users who are convinced that they are under attack.
Emotional manipulation: The urgency in their tone prevents victims from thinking rationally, leading them to act impulsively without verifying the authenticity of the call.
Read More: Scammers Targeting You With Fake RBI Voicemails
To prevent being scammed, such frauds need to be recognised. All the same, there are apparent features that make it easy to distinguish between these fake calls and authentic ones.
Unusual phone numbers: Do not pick up any calls that come through from unknown numbers or international numbers including codes such as +977.
Unrealistic claims: Neither genuine agencies like TRAI nor the police freeze a mobile number or make use of such terms as ‘Digital Arrest’.
Request for sensitive information: Please be assured that no government official will call and request personal or financial information from you.
Pressure tactics: They will pressure you into making decisions without even confirming the details given by them.
Personal protection can therefore be defined as preventive and defensive. Follow these steps to ensure your safety:
Avoid sharing personal information: Do not give your banking details, passwords, or UID numbers when you are connected through a phone call.
End suspicious calls immediately: If the call looks to be a scam or mentions anything like a ‘Digital Arrest,’ in case you have picked up the call and the scammers are demanding crucial information from you, disconnecting the call right away will be the smartest action.
Verify the caller’s identity: The best way to check the legitimacy of the call you received is to reach out to either TRAI or the mobile service operator you subscribe to.
Be cautious of urgency: The essence of most scams is to make the target as panicked as possible. You should not be hasty in making decisions but rather take your time and review things happening around you.
Report suspicious calls: Report such calls to your local police or cybercrime unit, so that govt officials can track and stop such scams.
Increasing awareness is one of the best ways to prevent more people from becoming victims of these scams.
Share information: Educate your friends and families on various scams and how they can detect them.
Encourage verification: Convince people to consult their trusted person before getting into anything, especially after being called by unknown people.
Report incidents: Report any call that seems suspicious as a way of reducing such scams to the public.
Dialer frauds are now rampant, and these fake TRAI calls attempt to use fear to get the target to reveal personal details. By following prevention measures will not only be safe from being scammed, but you’ll also help others avoid falling for such frauds.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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