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Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:57 AM
Short Description: BMSSY provides social security and benefits to unorganised workers in West Bengal through health, provident fund, and financial aid schemes.
The Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana (BMSSY) is a social security program by the Government of West Bengal aimed at unorganised workers. It offers a package of benefits including provident funds, health insurance, monetary support, and disability benefits. BMSSY covers a wide range of unorganised industries and self-employed workers, improving their living standards and ensuring no one is left behind.
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Scheme Name | Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana (BMSSY) |
Launched By | Government of West Bengal |
Beneficiaries | Unorganised workers and self-employed individuals |
Coverage | Provident fund, health insurance, education, and death benefits |
Eligibility | Workers aged 18-60, income less than ₹6,500/month |
Mode of Application | Online and offline |
Official Website | https://bmssy.wblabour.gov.in/ |
The Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana (BMSSY) provides monetary and health support to workers in unorganised sectors in West Bengal. It combines various government initiatives to assist these workers and reduce inequality. BMSSY offers provident funds, health insurance, educational assistance, and death or disability compensation for unorganised workers and self-employed individuals.
BMSSY covers 46 unorganised industries in West Bengal, including sectors mentioned below in the list.
Automobile Repairing Garages
Beedi Making
Hotel & Restaurant Workers
Hosiery Industry
Handloom Workers
Tailoring Industries
BMSSY extends its benefits to 15 self-employed occupations, including:
Cobbler/Shoe Maker
Domestic Servants
Cycle Rickshaw & Van Pullers
The main objective of BMSSY is to provide social security to the unorganised workforce. The govt scheme key features are mentioned below.
Provident Fund Contribution: Workers contribute 25 rupees and the state contributes another ₹ 30 every month to the fund.
Health Coverage: Reimbursement for hospitalisation and treatment costs under the West Bengal Health Scheme (WBHS).
Death And Disability Benefits: Up to ₹20 lakhs are paid to beneficiaries in case of death or disability.
Education Assistance: Financial support for the education of workers' children.
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BMSSY benefits the unorganised sector workers in different manageable ways. Some of its most prominent benefits include
Provident Fund: Monthly contributions from workers and the state government, which can be accessed upon retirement or in case of death.
Health and Family Welfare: Covers medical expenses up to ₹20,000 per year, with surgery costs covered up to ₹60,000.
Death & Disability Benefits: Provides ₹2,00,000 in case of death or total disability due to accidents.
Educational Assistance: Financial support for the education of workers' children, from Class XI to post-graduation.
To be a prospective beneficiaries of the Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana, the following conditions must be fulfilled in order to be eligible
Be a permanent resident of West Bengal.
The age ranges between 18 to 60 years.
Have a monthly family income below ₹6,500, except for construction and transport workers.
To register for Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana (BMSSY), the following documents are required. So, make sure to have all the documents ready before proceeding towards the application process.
Residence Certificate
Passport-size photograph
Mobile number and Email ID
Caste certificate (if applicable)
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BMSSY registration can be completed through online and offline median. Both options make this govt scheme flexible for the state unorganised sector,
The steps to apply for this state government scheme is fairly straightforward and easy. One not need to worry about any form of complexity, as compared to other govt schemes.
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Eligible beneficiaries receive the BMSSY Card, also called the Samajik Mukti Card (SMC). This card allows them to access scheme benefits, including provident fund contributions, health insurance, and other assistance. Workers can obtain the card from any regional labour office or Labour Welfare Facilitation Centre.
The Bina Mulya Samajik Suraksha Yojana is a crucial social security program designed to provide financial support to unorganised workers in West Bengal. BMSSY offers benefits like provident fund contributions, healthcare, and education assistance, ensuring a dignified life for all workers. Eligible workers can register online or at designated centres to access these benefits.
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Official website: https://bmssy.wblabour.gov.in/
Login Portal: https://bmssy.wblabour.gov.in/v2/login
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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