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Jal Jeevan Mission UP : Registration, Application & Complaint Portal

Neha Gupta


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:58 AM



Jal Jeevan Mission UP : Registration, Application & Complaint Portal

India commenced its endeavour to make clean water available in 1972 with the launch of the Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme. This was over some time and in 2009 it was renamed as the National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP). However, the Jal Jeevan Mission replaced it, with the target of providing clean water by the year 2024 which is much before the World Health Organisation’s 2030 vision.

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The below table showcases the key highlights of the Jal Jeevan Mission Scheme:-

SchemeKey Details
IntroductionLaunched to provide safe drinking water to every rural household in India by 2024, replacing the NRDWP.
Mission ObjectiveDeliver functional tap connections (FHTCs) to rural households, focusing on water quality and community involvement.
ComponentsPipe-borne water supply, Water treatment plants, Greywater management
Progress (as of Aug 2024)77.98% of rural households covered, ₹54,635.51 crore allocated in 2023-24, Tap water provided to schools and Anganwadi centres
Application ProcessNo direct application is required; implemented through State/UT governments.
Water Supply MethodsRetrofitting existing schemes, Single Village Schemes (SVS), Multi Village Schemes (MVS), and Solar-powered systems
ConclusionThe mission is vital for rural development, improving health, empowering women, and driving economic growth.

What Is Jal Jeevan's Mission?

Jal Jeevan Mission is one of the major Government schemes to provide tap water connexions in rural households. Launched on 15th August 2019, this programme intends to provide clean and safe drinking water to every home by 2024. Its objective is to positively impact health, hygiene, as well as availability of water within its target recipient’s community.


The vision of the Jal Jeevan mission is to sustain the provision of adequate and sustaining water supply through tap connections in every rural household in India. This specifically highlights quality of life issues such as the observance of waterborne diseases and the promotion of sustainable water supply. The mission is an important reflection of what the government of the country is willing to provide for the people in terms of clean water for proper health facilities.

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The primary objective of the Jal Jeevan Mission is to provide safe and adequate drinking water through individual household tap connections in rural areas by 2024. It aims to improve water supply management and ensure water security for every household.

The Jal Jeevan Mission's key objectives Include ensuring success and:

  • Provide Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTC) to all rural households.

  • Focus on areas facing water challenges, such as drought-prone and desert regions.

  • Equip schools, Anganwadi centres, and community buildings with tap connections.

  • Promote community involvement and voluntary contributions to maintain water


  • Ensure the long-term sustainability of water supply systems through proper maintenance.

  • Raise awareness about the importance of safe drinking water.


Jal Jeevan Mission stands out for its focus on involving local communities and technological innovations:

  • Community Participation: People at the local level are involved in the planning, development and management of water supply systems hence they are more likely to be committed to the cause.

  • Infrastructure Development: It constructs tap connexions, water storage tanks and distribution networks for efficient and sustainable access to water.

  • Technological Integration: Risk is managed concerning water by introducing remote monitoring devices and the availability of real-time information.

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The Jal Jeevan mission includes components to ensure that the water supply infrastructure is reliable and sustainable:

  • Provision of pipe-borne water supply and piped water to consumers’ premises. There is a need to increase the sustainability of drinking water sources by augmenting the infrastructure to be more dependable and permanent.

  • They are involved in the construction of water treatment plants, water distribution systems and bulk water supply.

  • Including that managing the greywater can be achieved by using appropriate systems to handle the wastewater.


The mission provides access to clean drinking water, improving public health and reducing water-borne diseases. It also empowers communities by ensuring sustainable water supply and promoting water conservation practices.

The Jal Jeevan Mission benefits positively impact health, women’s empowerment, and the economy:

  • Health and Sanitation: The availability of clean water eradicates waterborne diseases thereby enhancing the health of the people.

  • Women Empowerment: Women, who source water from the sources after queuing for many hours, are now liberated to be more productive.

  • Economic Growth: A regular Water supply helps improve agricultural yields and consequently positively impacts the outgrowths of rural societies.

  • Environmental Sustainability: The mission allows for water conservation and utilisation within the market and society


Challenges include uneven implementation, inadequate infrastructure, and water scarcity in some regions. Delays in project execution and maintenance issues can hinder the long-term success of the mission.

Despite its many advantages, the Jal Jeevan Mission has disadvantages and faces certain challenges:

  • Implementation Difficulties: It is often not a simple task to organise collaborations among various zones and parties.

  • Financial Constraints: Obtaining sufficient funding for the mission is easier said than done especially in the poor states.


The Jal Jeevan Mission Significance is not centred on the delivery of water but on human rights, sustainable development, and equity. This is a positive development which marks a shift to closing the gap between the rural and urban areas and everybody getting access to clean drinking water.

Implementation Steps

Paani Samitis involved in the planning, implementation of the Jal Jeevan Mission, operation and maintenance of the Water Supply Systems in the villages. These committees may consist of 10-15 members inclusive of at least 50 percent women in any of the groups.

Since the children in the village are supported by the NGO Action for Child, all their activities must be approved by the Gram Sabha. Together, they develop a village action plan utilizing all available resources.

Progress So Far

As of now, over 13 crore households have received tap water connections under the mission. Significant progress has been made in improving water supply infrastructure in many rural areas across India.

The following points showcase the progress of the Jal Jeevan Mission Scheme:-

  • Coverage: According to data given on August 12, 2024, JJM has furnished tap water facilities to an extent of 77.98 per cent to the rural households in the country which comprises more than 15.07 crore households.

  • Financial Progress: For 2023-24, the central government budget for the mission is ₹ 70,000 crore out of which ₹ 54,635.51 crore has been sanctioned for eligible State UTs.

  • Other Achievements: JJM has also supplied tap water to 9,24,200 schools, 9,57,300 Anganwadi centres and 3,89,300 public institutions. Also, more than 2, 34, 552 women have been empowered to use test kits to determine the quality of available water.

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Funding For Scheme

Jal Jeevan Mission Funding is a partnership between the Government of India and the states to deliver tap water connections to rural households. The expense of the mission is expected to be ₹3.60 lakh crore including all sectors. The funding is shared between the central government and states as follows:

  • Union Territories without legislature: It has been fully financed by the central government.

  • North Eastern and Himalayan States, and UTs with the legislature: Central 90% and state funding only 10%.

  • Other States: 50%, funding from the centre and 50% funding from the state.

There is high funding for states that have water quality-related problems. Households without water connexions are given a weightage of 20 per cent and the rural population suffering from bad-quality water gets a 10 per cent weightage. To remove the chances of foul play and to promote transparency the mission employs the Public Financial Management System (PFMS) for online tracking of its financial status.

Eligibility Criteria

The Jal Jeevan Mission eligibility criteria state that this government scheme applies to all households in rural India.

Application Process

You don't need to, as its implementation is overseen by the State Governments and Union Territorapply for the Jal Jeevan Missionaries (UTC). The plan, approved by the Gram Sabha and aligned with national priorities, will be executed based on the President's vision for villages across the country. Every village will be surveyed to know the present state of the drinking water supply system with the help of the District Water and Sanitation Mission (DWSM) and in conjunction with the Gramme Panchayata and other related authorities.

After this, Functional Household Tap Connections (FHTCs) will be set up in the following ways:

  • Retrofitting old schemes: Customers’ relations existing by way of ongoing or completed water supply projects.

  • Single Village Scheme (SVS): Developing new taps in villages that have a source of safe water, be it hand-pump borehole water or spring water.

  • Single Village Scheme (SVS) with treatment: In the villages where water has to be treated before using with water from a good source.

  • Multi Village Scheme (MVS): Construction of water supply networks to provide water to several villages.

  • Solar-powered systems: Offering portable water in fragmented and tribal areas by powering water supply systems with solar energy.

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Documents Required

Important Documents for the Jal Jeevan Mission include Any proof of identity like Voter ID / Passport/driver's license / Ration Card / Aadhaar Card etc is sufficient to apply for a water connection.


It is a progressive project with the prospect of rerouting the rustic feel of India and bringing positive change. It enhances health, empowers women, and triggers the economy when all patients obtain clean water every time. The changes are progressive steps toward sustainable development and improvement of the health standards of the rural people.

For any request or Article Research, visit the Community Page of Jaagruk Bharat.

Government Sources

Official Website: Jal Jeevan Mission


Dashboard: JJM Dashboard

Frequently Asked Questions




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Neha Gupta



Neha Gupta is an excellent and established writer with experience of 5+ years. With a background in Journalism and Media Communication, she has given time to researching, analysing, and constructing the best informative piece. She aims to inform and educate the citizens of India about government schemes and policies, Sarkari Yojanas, rules, and laws that make India the biggest democracy. She abides by the rule of ‘for the people, and by the people’, making sure that the Indian society no matter the domain, area, caste, or gender is aware of its rights and government services that make life and living easier. To learn about govt schemes, yojanas, policies, rules, and laws stay connected with Jaagruk Bharat. Follow us across Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. ... Read more

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