Know Everything About NABARD, It’s Functions And More In India!
Updated: 30-09-2024 at 3:32 PM
Agriculture and rural areas in India have required special attention and assistance from the beginning due to backwardness, under-development, lack of opportunities and unfair policies of the British. Special laws were enacted to extend development and opportunities to these areas.
Currently, the rural areas are thriving and much more developed than before with almost all amenities. The agricultural sector is also one of the primary contributors to the Indian GDP, which reflects the positive effects of multiple government schemes. This credit is also owed to NABARD. Let us know more about NABARD!
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The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is the primary body for regulating rural banking, finance and agricultural finance in India. It was created as a banking body for agriculture and rural areas in 1981 through the National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development Act, 1981. The operations of NABARD began in 1982.
NABARD has been entrusted with multiple responsibilities such as formulation of policies, engaging in banking activities and many more. It is also one of the major supporters of cottage industries, MSMEs in rural areas, and cooperative societies.
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NABARD plays a major role as a financier and banker in rural and agricultural areas. It serves multiple purposes and has helped a lot in achieving growth in both rural areas and agriculture. The role of NABARD can be summarised as follows:
NABARD funds development projects, fosters investment and facilitates credit for development.
NABARD monitors, evaluates and supervises the developmental projects after financing.
NABARD provides training facilities for institutions working for rural upliftment and also keeps them in check.
NABARD holds multiple National Resource Management Programmes.
NABARD helps Self-Help Groups or SHGs through its SHG bank linkage programme.
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NABARD performs multiple functions as a banking and financing institution. Let us have a glance at them!
NABARD, as the main bank for rural banking performs credit functions and provides, regulates and monitors the credit activities in rural areas. As a part of NABARD’s credit functions, it facilitates and supervises credit.
NABARD takes the help of multiple organisations and institutions to develop rural areas and assist agriculture. For these purposes, NABARD provides loans to institutions such as handicraft industries, food parks, processing units, cooperative societies, etc.
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NABARD performs supervisory functions by overseeing the work of all development projects and activities ongoing in rural areas. It keeps a check on the financial aspect of a development project by monitoring the role of all banks and financial institutions engaged.
NABARD undertakes many development projects on its own. It funds and finances many projects in collaboration with other institutions and organisations as a part of its developmental functions.
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NABARD plays a very important role in the development of rural areas and agriculture. With the introduction of NABARD, the growth process in these areas and sectors has been fast-paced. It is a major financier as well as a regulator of the financial activities in rural areas.
For information about more such government institutions, stay connected with Jaagruk Bharat!
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9 September 2024
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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