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Updated: 25-12-2024 at 5:30 AM
The last day for completing Ration Card e-KYC has been set for February, 2025. What this means is that you may end up getting your name deleted from the ration card and that will stop you from availing of the ration benefits. At present, a total of 48,729 beneficiaries have their e-KYC process pending. They can visit their nearest Jan Seva Kendra or Block Office and complete this process at the earliest.
Read More: Ration Card Scheme 2024
The completion of the Ration Card e-KYC under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) was put in place to prevent ineligible or false beneficiaries from taking advantage of the government scheme. It involves the process of biometrics which are linked with the Aadhaar card details of the individual to ascertain his/her identity.
The Block Supply Officer has further observed that this process is necessary to disallow fraudulent ration card holders and that ration does reach deserving families only.
For qualified beneficiaries to continue enjoying their entitlements the government has come up with a hassle-free and no-cost procedure to complete the Ration Card e-KYC. To avoid disruption of entitlements at the time of authentication, it is very important to populate the information about all the family members. This is where beneficiaries can undergo the e-KYC.
The nearest Jan Seva Kendra (Common Service Centre)
The Block Office
Even if some members of a ration card have completed their e-KYC, only their names will remain safe. The names of those who do not complete the verification will be removed from the ration card.
Read More: Generate Ration Card Online | eRation Card Download
For the people to continue getting subsidised rations under the welfare schemes of the Government, a step of e-KYC has to be completed. In case you fail, you might face some dire circumstances as you will be cut off from such important benefits. So, what will happen if you don’t complete the e-KYC process? Here’s what you need to know:
If you don’t submit the e-KYC process by the year end you will permanently be taken off of any of the beneficiaries of ration under any schemes.
By the order by the Supreme Court and directions by the central government your ration card will be deleted.
You will be deprived of subsidised ration henceforth.
Read More: Correction In Ration Card
Completing your Ration Card e-KYC is a quick and easy process that guarantees you do not miss out on receiving your benefits. Do not forget to bring your certification and documents with you, and follow the procedure properly. Here is how you can finish the e-KYC as the process is easy and hardly consumes any time too.
Step 1: Go to the nearest Jan Seva Kendra or Block Office.
Step 2: Carry the following documents:
Ration-related documents
The mobile number linked to Aadhaar (if applicable)
Step 3: Complete the biometric verification process.
In the case of Ration Card e KYC, you have to be careful regarding a few things so that the process is completed without any disruption in the benefits secured. Not completing verification or missing deadlines may result in names being removed from the ration card.
Deadline: February, 2025
Free Process: e-KYC can be completed without any fee.
Avoid Name Removal: Complete e-KYC so that you are not deprived of gaining benefits from the ration scheme.
If five members are listed on one ration card and only some complete e-KYC, the others will be removed.
Read More: BPL Ration Cards
It is crucial for beneficiaries who have not yet done their Ration Card e-KYC procedure to finish it before the deadline. In doing so, this will guarantee that the beneficiaries name will continue to exist in the ration card which therefore translates to receipt of subsidised ration.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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