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Updated: 07-12-2024 at 3:31 PM
An individual’s development is incomplete without two major components: mental exercise and physical exercise and these two contribute to the holistic development of a healthy adult. In today’s digital age where most people work using various electronic devices, we are forgetting the importance physical exercise holds. Children from a very young age are given devices like smartphones or tablets which is one of the biggest hindrances toward their holistic growth and development.
One of the best ways to be physically active is by playing sports. To promote and encourage people to engage in physical exercises by playing sports and building better infrastructure for the athletes, the government of India launched the Khelo India Scheme. The government scheme aims to remind the people of India about the significance of physical exercise and the crucial need for one to be physically active by playing sports.
Name of the scheme | Khelo India Scheme |
Launched in | 2018 |
Ministry | Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports |
Objective | To encourage people to play various types of sports |
Total verticals | 12 |
Target group | Students, interested players |
Eligibility | Between the age of 10-21 |
Amount of the scholarship | Rs. 5 lakh per year for 8 years |
Read More: Haryana Provision Of Sports Equipment Scheme
The Khelo India Scheme was launched by the government of India in the year 2018 under the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports. The main aim of the govt scheme is to encourage people to play various types of sports and stay physically fit. The Khelo India Program also aims to build and improve the infrastructure of sports in India, provide training to athletes to sharpen their skills, and help them make a career in the field of sports. The scheme provides financial and supportive aid to athletes so that their professional journeys’ can be as smooth as possible.
Several updates have been made to the Khelo India Program. Some of the major updates are mentioned below:
The funds released for the Khelo India Scheme were increased by 48% in 2023.
The Indian government has released funds worth Rs. 3074 crore which would help in improving the infrastructure of 323 additional sports.
Between the years 2017 to 2021, 3 Khelo India School and Youth Games, one Khelo India University Games, and 2 Khelo India Winter Games have been organised and held successfully.
Around 20,000 athletes have taken part in the Khelo India Program and around 3000 have been recognised as Khelo India Athletes (KIAs).
The Khelo India Program has replaced the Sports Authority of India and also provides a monthly allowance of Rs. 10,000 to all athletes for their expenses.
The Khelo India Program was proposed in the year 2017 by the govt as they recognised the need to encourage and promote the culture of sports in the people of India. Sports is still one of those fields that isn’t considered a formal career option. Gifted and skilled athletes struggle to pursue sports as their profession because of family and societal pressures.
Hence, the government launched the Khelo India Scheme to promote the culture of sports and to help those who truly want to play for the country and build their careers. The Khelo India Program began with the Khelo India School Games in 2018. Later, the Indian Olympic Association tied hands with the govt scheme in 2019 which helped in expanding the scheme’s reach.
The Khelo India Scheme has various components and parts and one of its parts is the Khelo India Winter Games wherein people play winter sports. The first Khelo India Winter Games was organised in 2020 in Leh and Gulmarg.
There are several major objectives of the Khelo India Scheme. Some key objectives are listed below in brief for one’s better understanding:
Helps interested students: The government scheme provides scholarships worth Rs. 5 lakhs per year for 8 years to selected students who show skills and passion in their favourite sports.
Training: The scheme also organises training and other forms of guidance and support to selected players so that they can build their respective careers.
Competitions: The Khelo India Program organises various annual competitions that the players can take part in and reap various benefits after winning.
Infrastructure development: The govt scheme also aims to develop and improve the infrastructure related to various sports so that players can play with excellent resources.
Read More: Mukhyamantri Sports Development Scheme
There are innumerable benefits of the Khelo India Scheme. Some of the key benefits are mentioned below in brief for one’s better understanding:
Support: The Khelo India Program not only identifies talented sportsmen but also helps in building a successful career in their favourite sports by providing scholarships, resources, training, and related support.
Promotion of sports: The govt scheme aims to encourage people to play various types of sports and maintain their physical fitness.
Recognised platform: The scheme provides a platform for sportsmen to showcase their skills and move up their professional careers as athletes.
The Khelo India Centres Of Excellence (KISCE) are specially designed to deliver world-class facilities to young talent by giving them all the resources and support an athlete needs to grow holistically. This central government scheme would provide Viability Gap Funding to provide technological and advanced support to athletes. The state and UTs manage KISCE and aim to smoothen the obstacles faced by young athletes who want to build their careers in the field of sports.
There are a total of 12 verticals of the Khelo India Program. All the verticals are listed below for one’s reference:
Playfield development
Annual sports competition
Support to National/Regional/State Sports Academies
Promoting sports among PwDs
Community coaching development
Talent search and development
Physical fitness of school-going children
Sports for peace and development
State-level Khelo India Centres
Utilisation and creation/Upgradation of sports infrastructure
Sports for women
Promotion of rural and indigenous/tribal games
Read More: Haryana Provision Of Sports Equipment Scheme
Interested individuals first need to ensure whether they fit into the eligibility criteria or not. The eligibility criteria are as follows:
Must be an Indian citizen.
Must be a student studying in school or college.
Must be between the ages of 10 to 21 years.
The Khelo India Scheme has impacted and changed the lives of innumerable athletes in numerous ways. Some of them are mentioned below in brief:
Annual competitions: The Khelo India Program organised various annual competitions wherein many players have taken part in. It gave them a platform for moving forward in their careers under different and appropriate age categories like Under 17 or 18.
Facilities: The govt scheme provides them with excellent quality resources and support so that they can build their careers without any obstacles.
Sports for women: The Khelo India Program has launched special government programs and ways to support women who play sports.
Major games covered under the Khelo India Program are mentioned below for one’s reference and better understanding:
The Khelo India Scheme is an excellent initiative launched by the government of India to help people build careers in the field of sports and encourage people to play various types of sports to maintain their physical fitness.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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