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Indian Oil FuelCall AppDelivers Petrol Any where AnyTime

Komal Bajpai


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:12 AM



Indian Oil FuelCall AppDelivers Petrol Any where AnyTime

For a vehicle to run, it is obvious that it will need fuel. What would you do if your vehicle stopped running in the middle of the road with no petrol pumps nearby? Worry not; this article gives step-by-step instructions on what to do and who to call for help when stranded on the road.

With the Fuel@Call app: Door-to-door delivery of Diesel, Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) has unveiled a revolutionary service that enables fuel delivery. With the help of this cutting-edge mobile application, customers can order fuel more easily and effectively without having to leave their current location, meeting their basic energy needs.

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What Is Fuel@Call?

Fuel@Call is a service introduced by the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. to help customers in on-demand fuel delivery. They will do doorstep delivery of the fuel right to your location. It not only helps a person stuck in the middle of the road but also makes it more convenient for those who want to save a trip to the petrol pump.

Customers can put on-demand fuel delivery request through the mobile app and get the fuel delivered to their preferred location with the convenience of online and pay-on-delivery options.

Read more: Fuel Delivery at Doorstep | Petrol and Diesel Delivery to Your Home

Key Features Of The Fuel@Call app

Here are the significant features of roadside assistance services:

  • Interface That's Easy to Use: The ordering process of the Fuel@Call app is simple and quick thanks to the app's clear, user-friendly design, making it easy for users to browse through various options.
  • Delivery of Fuel on Demand: Instead of going to a gas station, users put on-demand fuel delivery requests to be delivered straight to their house, place of business or any other specified location.
  • Track Orders in Real Time: Users can monitor the progress and estimated time of arrival of the fuel after placing an order by tracking the delivery in real-time through the Fuel@Call app.
  • Planned Delivery: By allowing users to plan deliveries at a time that works best for them, the Fuel@Call app ensures that their fuel needs are satisfied without interfering with their regular activities.

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How To Book Fuel Through The Fuel@Call App?

Fuel@Call: Door-to-door delivery of Diesel is an initiative started by the Indian Oil Corporation Ltd. to order fuel through the app and get it delivered to the desired location.

Here’s how you can book fuel at your doorstep through their app.

  • Download the Fuel@Call mobile app.
  • Fill in the necessary details.
  • Click on Send OTP.
  • Fill out the OTP that was sent to the registered mobile number.
  • Then log in with your credentials.
  • Give your location.
  • Order fuel

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What Happens After Placing The Order on Fuel@Call App?

Let us understand the transaction flow of the Fuel@Call: Door-to-door delivery of Diesel:

  1. Customers order fuel via the mobile app.
  2. An OTP will be generated to confirm the order.
  3. After confirmation, the order is forwarded to the preferred MDO’s browsers (large vehicles supplying fuel).
  4. A driver will accept the order on the app.
  5. Bowser reaches the delivery location.
  6. Online authorization was sent to the FCC.
  7. Fuelling starts.
  8. TP confirms the OTP and GPS location of the browser.
  9. The driver enters OTP in the EDC terminal.

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How To Track Orders Through The Fuel@Call App?

One can track their orders by:

  1. After successfully placing the order, please visit the ‘My Orders’ section.
  2. You’d be taken to a real-time map view page wherein the current location of your delivery partner would be visible with an estimated time of delivery.
  3. You’ll receive notifications about the delivery updates as well.

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Secure Payment Options On The Fuel@Call App

Multiple payment options are made available for customers on Fuel@Call: Door-to-door delivery of Diesel such as:

  • E-wallets
  • Credit and debit cards, etc.
  • A customer with an existing account can use their XTRAPOWER account for the prepaid or postpaid payment option.
  • The pay-on-delivery option can be used to pay via debit or credit card after the fueling process.

All transactions are encrypted at every stage and are completely secure on Fuel@Call.

If the order gets cancelled, then the complete amount will be refunded if it was before dispatch. If it gets cancelled after dispatch, a cancellation fee of Rs 100/- will be charged. And for people who selected Pay on Delivery, will have to pay the cancellation fee on their next order.

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This service can come in handy, especially if you are out late and get stuck in the middle of a road. They will come to your assistance and complete fuel delivery. If you’re travelling and run out of fuel, Fuel@Call: Door-to-door delivery of Diesel will help you put on-demand fuel delivery to your location in about an hour. Share this information with others so they will also get the help they need and won’t get stuck in the middle of the road. So, the next time you’re travelling and get stuck in a situation, you know exactly what to do!

You can also reach out to Jaagruk Bharat through their community page with any questions that you might come across.

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Komal Bajpai



Komal Bajpai is a seasoned content writer with 3 years of expertise in political journalism, specializing in crafting compelling press releases for government policies and schemes. Currently, she lends her talents as a Junior Content Writer at Jaagruk Bharat, where she continues to inform and engage the public with her insightful writing. She is a Certified Journalist with a graduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Lucknow and is currently studying Business Administration. Komal is a skilled writer who uses her talent to empower the citizens of India by bridging the gap between Indian society and GOI schemes, laws, policies, and yojanas.... Read more

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