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How to Apply for an EWS Certificate? A Step-by-Step Guide

Neha Gupta


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:41 AM



How to Apply for an EWS Certificate? A Step-by-Step Guide

Income and Assets Certificate also called the EWS Certificate is essential for the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) category individuals who want to apply for 10% reservation in education and government jobs. It is only meant for those not belonging to SC/ST/OBC categories. In this blog, we will guide you on how to apply for an EWS Certificate including the eligibility criteria, required documents, and the step-by-step process towards acquiring it.

What Is The EWS Reservation?

The introduction of the 103rd Constitution (Amendment) Act, 2019 led to the creation of a new quota known as EWS Quota that changed Articles 15 and 16 incorporating provisions relating to economically weaker sections. This quota aims to provide economic reservation in jobs and admissions to educational institutions based on certain income and asset criteria.

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Name of the certificateEWS Certificate
EWS Certificate Full formEconomically Weaker Sections Certificate
Launched byIndian government
Launched in2019
ObjectiveTo provide reservations to people from the General category who could come under EWS however, it is given to other classes of people as well
Benefits10% reservation in govt jobs and educational institutions
Eligibility CriteriaAnnual family income of less than 8 lakh
Application modeOnline/Offline


Several key objectives of the EWS Certificate outline its goals. Some major objectives are listed below in detail:

  • Social justice: The EWS Certificate is specifically designed for people who come from the economically weaker sections of society, especially those who are from the General category.

  • For equality: The certificate provides a 10% reservation in govt jobs and educational institutions and helps in bridging the gap between different income groups and promoting equality.

  • Promoting higher education: The EWS Certificate enables students from low-income groups to secure admissions in prestigious educational institutions under reserved quota with relaxation on fees as well.

  • Inclusive development: The certificate aims to ensure that people from financially weaker sections irrespective of their caste would be able to access opportunities related to government jobs, education, etc.

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There are many benefits of having an EWS Certificate. Some of the key benefits of the EWS Certificate are described below:

  • Reservation: The EWS Certificate provides a 10% reservation in educational institutions for admissions and a 10% reservation for govt jobs in various departments.

  • Fee concessions: EWS Certificate Holders are eligible for fee reductions or concessions in govt schemes or educational institutions as well.

  • Government schemes: The EWS Certificate allows EWS Certificateholders to access government schemes specially launched for them.

  • Preference in competitive exams: The candidates applying for competitive exams such as UPSC, NEET, and others can choose the EWS Quota and avail its benefits.

EWS Certificate Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility requirements for obtaining an EWS certificate are as follows:

  • General Category: You should belong to the general category without claiming any benefit under SC/ST or OBC other than general.

  • Annual Family Income: Gross yearly family income must be below ₹8 Lakhs, including earnings from all sources such as agriculture, business, and salary.

  • Agricultural Land: Your family’s total agricultural land should be less than five acres.

  • Residential Property: Your family needs a residential flat within one thousand square feet or less or a residential plot of at least one hundred square yards if it’s in notified municipalities but two hundred square yards if it’s in non-notified ones.

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Application Process

Interested and eligible individuals can apply for the EWS Certificate through online and offline platforms as per their choice and convenience.

Online Procedure

  • Step 1: Visit the official state’s website.

  • Step 2: Navigate the portal for EWS Certificates.

  • Step 3: Register using your details like name, email, and phone number.

  • Step 4: Click on the ‘EWS Certificates’ option.

  • Step 5: Fill in the application form with your details and upload the supporting documents.

  • Step 6: Apply and note the reference number for future reference.

Offline Procedure

  • Step 1: Visit the nearest office of the Tehsildar.

  • Step 2: Request for an EWS Certificate application form.

  • Step 3: Fill in the application form with your details and attach the supporting documents.

  • Step 4: Apply and note the reference number for future reference.

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Documents Requirement

You will need to have the following EWS Certificate documents for applying for an EWS certificate:

  • Stamp-size photo.

  • Aadhaar card or Identity Proof (PAN card, Voter ID, etc.).

  • Land/property papers.

  • Self-attested affidavit/Self-declaration.

  • Residential proof/Domicile Certificate.

  • Income and Asset Certificate.

Who Can Issue The EWS Certificate?

The following government authorities can issue the EWS Certificate:

  • District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner /1st Class Stipendiary Magistrate.

  • Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner.

  • Chief Presidency Magistrate / Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate /Presidency Magistrate.

  • Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar.

  • Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and his/her family normally reside.

Difference Between EWS and OBC Certificate

ComponentEWS CertificateOBC Certificate
ObjectiveProvides benefits to people from the economically weaker sectionsProvides benefits to people from the Other Backward Classes
Benefits10% reservation in educational institutions and Sarkari Naukri, fee concessions, etc.27% reservation in educational institutions and govt jobs for non-creamy layer OBC, etc.
EligibilityIndividuals from any category with an annual income of less than Rs. 8 lakhIndividuals from the OBC category who don’t fall under the creamy layer
Reservation10% reservation in educational institutions and govt. jobs27% reservation in educational institutions and govt. jobs
Verification processBased on incomeBased on income, social status.
ValidityUsually for a yearValid until there are changes.

Validity Of The EWS Certificate

The validity of the EWS Certificate is typically one year from the date of issuance. It is important to check the validity before using the certificate for official purposes.

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For those who qualify under the Economically Weaker Section (EWS) reservation, getting an EWS certificate is mandatory. After meeting all eligibility conditions as stated above, follow the steps to successfully apply for and obtain a certificate.

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Neha Gupta



Neha Gupta is an excellent and established writer with experience of 5+ years. With a background in Journalism and Media Communication, she has given time to researching, analysing, and constructing the best informative piece. She aims to inform and educate the citizens of India about government schemes and policies, Sarkari Yojanas, rules, and laws that make India the biggest democracy. She abides by the rule of ‘for the people, and by the people’, making sure that the Indian society no matter the domain, area, caste, or gender is aware of its rights and government services that make life and living easier. To learn about govt schemes, yojanas, policies, rules, and laws stay connected with Jaagruk Bharat. Follow us across Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. ... Read more

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