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Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY): A Comprehensive Overview

Neha Gupta


Updated: 26-09-2024 at 12:30 PM




Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) encourages organic farming through a cluster-based approach. Clusters are used to implement this govt scheme in which several farmers or hordes (clusters) adopt organic farming.  In this article, we’ll explain how the system works, what this Sarkari yojana does, and how farmers can benefit.

What Is The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)?

On April 20th, 2015, the government of India announced the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY). It is a key part of the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). The govt scheme covers organic farming operations throughout India. 

At its core, PKVY will promote organic farming.  As a result, organic substitutes will be used to replace inorganic substances. Meanwhile, PKVY increases farmers’ incomes and creates a more sustainable form of farming. 

Twenty-first-century agriculture should focus on monoculture plantings as much as possible. 

As part of its mission, the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) aims to achieve this in two phases.  In the first step, farmland should be divided into groups of 100-150 acres. Each group must own 100-150 acres. Secondly, these owners will practice traditional farming practices for many years together without any chemical fertilization.

Why Do We Need the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)?

India has grown from a consumption of 28.1 kg per hectare in 1970 to a catastrophic figure of 135.8 kg per hectare. This inferno has had unprecedented crop yields while causing massive environmental damage! 

Pesticide use is on the rise, with over 67,000 metric tons used annually to contaminate food, water, and soil. This dependence on synthetic products has its price.

In terms of health, more than half of non-organic farmers suffer from skin and lung diseases, compared to only up to 14% of organic farmers, and almost half of them also link this to cancer.

Added to this are the environmental impacts of chemical-intensive farming, such as greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. 

Such problems can only be addressed by promoting organic practices through government yojana  like PM Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) at a planned and commercial level. PKVY aims to promote soil health, improve the socio-economic status of farmers by linking them to markets and minimise the risks associated with improper use of synthetic inputs.

Benefits Of Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)

There are a lot of benefits to farmers and agriculture overall that come from the Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY).

Environmental Benefits

With the help of this program, farmers can decrease their reliance on artificial pesticides and fertilisers. In addition, it improves soil well-being by increasing organic matter quantity, encouraging microbial activity, improving soil structure and lessening environmental pollutants. As a result, the availability of water increases for plants and soil erosion decreases which leads to more sustainable farming techniques.

Economic Benefits

With PKVY, farmers who are interested in organic farming can receive financial assistance. The support includes buying organic inputs, training, certification, and promotional expenses. It increases farmers’ incomes by reducing both production costs and output on organic farms. As a result, organic products can sell well and become more popular because of their health benefits (e.g., no chemical residues) and eco-friendliness. 

Social Benefits

By clustering farmers, PKVY has been able to create a sense of community. By working together in clusters, farmers can exchange expertise, resources, and methods that are most effective. As a result, all farmer groups can develop and grow. Through the use of traditional farming methods, we are not only preserving indigenous agriculture culture but also bringing back traditional methods.

Implementation And Structure Of PKVY

Here is the implementation structure for PKVY.

  • A decentralised process is followed to implement PKVY, which involves state and farmer groups.

  • In this strategy, a systematic approach is used. Upon cluster formation, every cluster is subjected to a meticulous plan consisting of workshops, exposure tours, and organic input production units.

  • Moreover, the program is affordable and accessible to marginal and smaller farmers. It is a great way to encourage farmers to adopt organic practices.

Eligibility Criteria: Who Can Apply For The Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)

Here are the eligibility criteria for Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)-

Clusters of Farmers -  Cluster-capable farmers are expected to be targeted by the program. Farmers should form clusters of at least 50 people. A minimum of 50 acres of space is also required

Small and marginal farmers - This scheme aims at attracting marginal and small farmers who may not be able to utilize natural farming.

Institutions and Organizations -  NGOs, FPOs, and other organizations can also participate in the scheme to promote the use of agricultural methods.

How To Apply For Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY): A Step-by-Step Guide

For farmers who are eligible and eligible for Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY), a streamlined application process has been established. Here is how to apply to PKVY:

Step 1: Cluster Formation

Clustering is a step in the application process. The programme is open to an organization with 50 participants and an area of at least 50 acres.

Step 2 - Coordinating With Regional Council

After forming the cluster, Farmers need to contact with state region council. The regional councils will accept the proposal and formulate the Annual Action Plan (AAP)

Step 3: Candidates Apply

Application forms can be sent to regional councils in clusters. Each state must submit an unconsolidated annual action plan. In addition, the plan lists the planned actions to be carried out within every PKVY Implementation Region, in addition to anticipated outcomes and budgetary demands.

Step 4: Approval And Disbursement Of Funds

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare reviews the regional councils’ annual Action Plans annually. The cash is then released to states, which then distribute it to local councils and farmers

Step 5: Active Implementation Of Activities

As part of the PKVY program, funds have been set aside for various components at the regional and regional council levels.  As well as providing ongoing support, the councils ensure that organic farming practices are implemented responsibly.

Step 6: Marketing And Certification

PKVY includes the PGS certification. Certification of organic products is performed in the PGS process and farmers are prepared for the certification process. Using this scheme, organically certified produce is later offered for sale, ensuring farmers get a fair price.


The PKVY story can perhaps provide a blueprint for Indian farmers and consumers to look forward to in a greener, healthier future with continued support. Strengthening soil health and removing toxic chemicals from food are goals that PKVY has set for itself. Further support and expansion of PKVY can play a significant role in promoting sustainable and equitable agricultural development in the country.

For a detailed information on PKVY [click here]( Krishi Vikas Yojana.pdf).

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