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Domicile Certificate - Documents Required, Benefit, Apply Online

Pragya Pathak


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 7:07 AM



Domicile Certificate - Documents Required, Benefit, Apply Online

There are a total of 29 states in the country of India and the need for a domicile certificate arises from the requirement of proving residency status. The individuals must prove their residency status in a particular state for innumerable reasons like applying for a government scheme launched by a particular state government for the people from that state.

Domicile certificate is an official document that helps people prove their residency status in a specific state. It comprises certain important details about the individual applying for the card and helps them avail of state-specific benefits.

Name of the certificateDomicile certificate
PurposeIntroduced to verify a person’s identity and residency of people from a state
Issued byState governments
ComponentsApplicant’s name, address, duration of residency, and state of residency
TypesState Domicile certificate; District Domicile certificate; Temporary Domicile certificate
BenefitsAllows people to avail benefits of state-specific schemes or services
Application modeOnline/Offline

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What Is A Domicile Certificate?

A domicile certificate is an official document issued by the government that verifies a person’s residency in a particular state or union territory. The government certificate serves as proof of residency that the individual can use to avail of all the state government schemes and services. It provides a huge help to people from the vulnerable or marginalised sections of society looking to access govt schemes.

The process of applying for a domicile certificate is also simple and can be completed through both, online and offline platforms as per their convenience. The domicile certificate not only establishes an individual’s residency from a particular state but also ensures that they can avail of all local benefits and rights made for them.

Types Of Domicile Certificates

Type of Domicile CertificateDescription
State Domicile CertificateIssued to those who are permanent residents of a particular state.
District Domicile CertificateIssued to people to prove residency from a specific district.
Temporary Domicile CertificateIssued to people living in a specific state for a temporary period.

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There are various benefits of domicile certificates that help people in various things. Some of the major benefits of the government certificate are:

  • Access to government schemes: People through domicile certificates can avail of various state government schemes and programs.

  • Educational opportunities: People with the help of domicile certificates can apply for state quotas for admission purposes in various educational institutions.

  • Jobs: Domicile certificates help people apply for quota-based government jobs in specific states.

  • Proof of residence: Domicile certificates serve as an official document that verifies people’s local state residency status.

Eligibility Criteria

Interested applicants first need to ensure whether they fit into the eligibility criteria or not. The eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • Applicant must be a resident of a state for at least 6 months to 5 years (varies from state to state).

  • Minors should be accompanied by their parents or guardians.

  • Must be a citizen of India.

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Application Process

Interested and eligible individuals can apply for domicile certificates through both, online and offline platforms as per their convenience.

Online Procedure

Step 1: Visit the official website of your state government.

Step 2: Navigate to the ‘domicile certificate’ option.

Step 3: Fill out the application form and upload all the required documents.

Step 4: Apply and note the application number for reference.

Offline Procedure

Step 1: Visit the local revenue office or related government office of your state.

Step 2: Request for an application for a domicile certificate.

Step 3: Fill out the application form and upload all the required documents.

Step 4: Submit the form to the concerned authority and collect the acknowledgement receipt.

Required Documents

Applicants need to submit certain required documents to successfully apply for the government certificate. The list of documents is as follows:

  1. Proof of identity

Aadhaar Card

PAN Card

Voter ID Card

Driving License


Ration Card

  1. Proof of residence (Any One)

Bank Passbook

Rent Agreement

Utility Bills

  1. Birth certificate

  2. Seld-Decelartion Form

  3. Passport Size Photograph

Read More: Download Aadhar Card: Complete Guide with Steps

How To Check The Status Of Application?

Applicants can check the status of their application forms for domicile certificates by visiting the state government’s website or by contacting the local concerned authorities through the number on their acknowledgement receipts.

Validity Of Domicile Certificates

A domicile certificate usually doesn’t have any expiration date but it may need to be renewed or updated in case of any changes in residency or personal details.


A domicile certificate is an official government certificate that proves an individual’s residency in a particular state so that they can access various state-specific schemes and services.

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Pragya Pathak



Pragya is on the path of becoming a Clinical Forensic Psychologist. She has pursued her Post Graduation from Rashtriya Raksha University. Currently she is working towards various prestigious exams like NET, GATE, & M.Phil and aims to be not only an empathetic psychotherapist but also contribute towards transforming the existing condition of the field of psychology in India.... Read more

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