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Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:52 AM
The (Horticulture Mission for North Eastern Hill) HMNEH Scheme is part of the Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH). The state government scheme was launched by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. It aims to develop horticulture in the North East and Himalayan states, including Sikkim, Jammu & Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand.
In Meghalaya, the govt scheme is managed by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare. It focuses on improving productivity, quality planting materials, canopy management of fruit trees, supporting small farmers, and promoting protected cultivation and drip irrigation.
Let’s understand how to apply for the Horticulture mission in detail.
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Let’s take a look at the benefits provided under the HMNEH Scheme.
Training helps farmers learn better ways of farming.
Awareness programs teach farmers about good horticulture practices.
Technology support provides modern tools to improve growing crops.
Subsidy on seeds, fertilisers, and pesticides.
Marketing support helps farmers find buyers and sell their products for more money.
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The following documents have to be submitted by farmers while applying for the HMNEH scheme.
Passport-size photograph.
Identity Proof.
Bank passbook/account details.
Documents proof of possessing own or leased land.
Any other document as required.
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The following criteria have to be met to apply for the state government scheme.
Should be a permanent resident of Meghalaya.
Should be a bonafide farmer engaged in agriculture.
Should possess owned or leased land of at least 200 sqm.
Farmers who meet the eligibility criteria can follow these steps to apply for the Sarkari Yojana.
Write the application letter on an A4-sized paper.
Include all the necessary details.
Attach the required documents.
Submit the completed and signed application with documents to the nearest Horticulture Development Officer at a CD Block or Horticulture Circle office.
Read More: How To Participate In The Chief Minister Floriculture Mission In Assam?
Horticulture is a big market for farmers trying to expand their business. However, getting started might be difficult because of financial constraints and a lack of knowledge of horticulture farming. With the help of the HMNEH Scheme, farmers can learn about horticulture and how to do it. This will make the entire process easier.
For more information regarding the Horticulture Mission, call 0364-2222460 or send an email to agri-meg@nic.in.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
23 Nov 2021
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
23 Nov 2021
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Thank you very much for information ❤
23 Nov 2021
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