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Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:48 AM
In India, the scheduled caste has always been a marginalised and economically weaker section of society. Access to basic needs like good education and adequate housing has always been the key challenge of this section. Due to the significant need to address this issue, the Pondicherry government has introduced home-building govt schemes to empower Scheduled Caste communities in Pondicherry.
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According to the 2011 census, the Scheduled Castes make up around 16.6% of India's total population.
The untouchables, or Scheduled Castes, have faced several restrictions or problems in the past.
These problems were related to the notions of defilement and purity. In society, untouchables were assigned a deficient status.
Higher-caste Hindus kept a social distance from them. Unlike the high-caste Hindus, they were deprived of many essentials. When it came to food and drink, they had to rely on Hindu customs.
The untouchables were hardly involved in political activities.
They were denied political representation and rights.
They were given the right to vote for the first time during the British era.
After independence, the Harijans and their tribes were granted equal political opportunities and privileges.
These communities have not yet developed into a cohesive political force.
Even today, the Scheduled Castes and Schedule Tribes are facing such issues that show the stronghold of the orthodox thinking of Indian society. This is why both central government and state government schemes are launched to maintain a balance and equality among all Indian citizens.
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The government has set up this Sarkari Yojana to help people build their homes. The govt scheme “Grant of House Construction Subsidy to Scheduled Caste People” was introduced by the Adi Dravidar Welfare Department of the Government of Puducherry.
Under this Yojana, poor Scheduled Caste and other economically backward people who fulfil the eligibility criteria are given a grant for house construction.
The grant of ₹4,00,000/- will be given in 3 instalments as follows:
1st round of ₹1,50,000/- on possession of a vacant house plot.
2nd round of ₹1,50,000/-.
3rd round of ₹1,00,000/-.
The construction material worth ₹1,00,000/- will also be provided.
The beneficiaries should be citizens of India.
The beneficiaries should be a native or permanent residents of the Union Territory of Pondicherry.
They should not own a house.
They should belong to a scheduled caste or other economically backward class.
For Scheduled Caste
The applicant should have a house plot with an area of 450 square metres to construct the house.
The applicant’s annual income should not exceed ₹2,00,000/-.
For Other Economically Backward Classes
The applicant must have a house plot approved by the Adi Dravidar Welfare Department.
The annual income of the applicant should not exceed ₹24,000/-.
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Below is the list of documents required for this govt scheme. Have a look and make sure you have all these documents in hand before moving forward with the application.
Residence-cum-nativity Certificate.
Aadhaar Card.
Bank Pass Book.
Caste Certificate.
Encumbrance Certificate.
Income Certificate.
Parent Document.
Photocopy of Plot / Vacant Land.
Plot proof.
Ration Card.
Recent passport-size photograph.
Site Map/Landmark.
Voter Card.
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The application for this government yojana can be done both online and offline mode. Let’s have a look at both of them.
Visit the office of the Adi Dravidar Welfare and Scheduled Tribes Welfare Department during office hours and get a hard copy of the application form from the designated staff.
Fill in the mandatory details, paste a passport-size photograph, and attach copies of all required documents.
Submit the form along with the necessary documents to the concerned authority.
Get a receipt of acknowledgement from the staff upon submission of the form.
Visit the official website of the e-district portal of the government of Puducherry.
Click login present at the top right corner of the homepage.
In the login page register as the new member.
Fill in all the details for registration like username, password, personal details, and other required information. Agree on the declaration, fill in the captcha, and ‘sign up.
Now come back to the home page and again click on login. On the login section, provide the username and password, followed by the captcha and sign in.
The next screen will present all state government schemes by the government of Puducherry.
Click on the govt scheme you wish to apply for. It will redirect you to the application form.
In the application form, fill in all the details and information asked.
Submit all the required documents and submit the deceleration.
Upon successful submission of the application form, the application number will be sent to the registered mobile number and email address.
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With the financial support they receive under the govt scheme, the beneficiary family can build a pucca house for themselves. This grant is an important scheme for the Scheduled Caste citizens, through which millions of families move out of Kutcha houses and live in Pucca houses.
For any questions, queries, grievances, and more visit the official website of the e-district office of the government of Puducherry.
For any questions or queries, drop a question on the Jaagruk Bharat community page!
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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