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How To Check Your Marriage Certificate Status Online? A Step-By-Step Guide!

Neha Gupta


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:45 AM



How To Check Your Marriage Certificate Status Online? A Step-By-Step Guide!

What Is A Marriage Certificate?

A marriage certificate legally shows that a couple is married. It affirmatively makes them husband and wife, as obtainable under the law. Another benefit of such a status is that it contains things like a passport, a bank account, an application for paid days off, or a name change. A marriage certificate is a legal document that confirms that two people are husband and wife. The court in the year 2016 made it necessary to register all marriages to protect women.

In Indian culture, people start planning their child's wedding from the time they are born and families too, go to great lengths to make sure weddings are celebrated.

It's also important to officially register the marriage with the government during all the wedding planning and celebrations. This is why Getting a Marriage Certificate allows the couple to do things together like buy property or get a visa for a spouse.

If you recently got married and had already applied for your marriage certificate a long time ago but unfortunately haven't heard anything about the status, don't worry. This article has everything you are looking for. Let’s understand What is a Marriage Certificate, its importance, the marriage register, how to apply for a marriage certificate online and the Steps To Check Your Marriage Certificate Status Online.


The following table showcases the key highlights of the Marriage Certificate:-

Key PointsDetails
Acts for Marriage RegistrationHindu Marriage Act, 1955 & Special Marriage Act, 1954
Documents RequiredProof of age, identity, address, etc.
Online RegistrationAvailable in major cities
Offline RegistrationAt sub-registrar's office
Legal SignificanceProof for legal, financial, and official processes

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A marriage certificate is an officially recognised government document which confirms that two individuals have got married and it serves many purposes like, the filing of income tax returns, the obtaining of a visa, claims for insurance money and claiming of inheritance. It has been a legal requirement in India for the last 13 years to register a marriage because the law gives women legal rights.

Importance Of Registering A Marriage Certificate

Registering a marriage provides legal recognition and helps in many official procedures such as

  • Filing tax returns.

  • When ordinary people want to obtain a visa or a passport.

  • Securing insurance claims.

  • Even if clients were receiving social benefits such as pensions.

  • Authenticating the purchase of property and inheritance.

Understanding Hindu Marriage Act

Section 375 of the Indian penal code, applied to persons married under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 where both parties are Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists or Jains. Marriages documents are filed at the sub-registrar’s office where the marriage occurred or where any of the spouses resides for six months. Religious ceremonies are compulsory before the registration is done.

Understanding Special Marriage Act

Under section 4 of the Special Marriage Act, of 1954, both parties those of any religion or nationality can marry. What is more, couples are free to enter into marriage upon they have given the notice to the sub-registrar’s office 30 days before marriage. Again, if there are no voices against it then the marriage will be recorded and there is no essence of a religious observance.

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Where To Register A Marriage In India?

As there are two models by which one can register for a marriage certificate in India, which are Marriage certificates online and Marriage certificates offline models, it is also possible to register for them both ways. Major cities of India offer online registration, and for offline registration one has to go to the sub-registrar’s office in the jurisdiction where the marriage was performed or where the couple stays.

Procedure To Obtain A Marriage Certificate

The basic steps to obtain a marriage certificate online include:

  • Proof of eligibility such as age, and citizen status for limited licence.

  • Writing of an application form and accompanying documents.

  • Verification by the registrar of the documents submitted.

  • Payment of applicable fees.

  • The marriage certificate.

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Registration For A Marriage Certificate Online

Marriage certificate is legal proof which is issued after a union of two persons has been made legal. Under Hindu marriage law as per the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 or Special Marriage Act of 1954, marriage has to be registered. Marriage registration has been mandatory for legal recognition since 2006 even in India by the Supreme Court of this country.

Steps to follow:

  • Step 1: Go to the website of your state’s government.

  • Step 2: Find the marriage registration form on the site.

  • Step 3: Before proceeding, complete the information needed for both individuals.

  • Step 4: Submit the form online.

  • Step 5: Upon submission, you receive an appointment date and time that you are required to observe.

  • Step 6: Documents must be brought to the marriage registrar’s office by both partners, as well as by two witnesses each, on the agreed date.


  • Hindu Marriage Act: The marriage ceremony is arranged within 15-30 days of the filing of the forms.

  • Special Marriage Act: The process might take up to 60 days.

Registration Of Marriage Certificate Offline

Under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955:

The following steps need to be completed to register for a marriage certificate under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955:-

Step 1: Go to the sub-registrar’s office where the marriage was registered, or where any of the partners has resided for the last 6 months.

Step 2: Make sure that the main Hindu marriage rights follow the customary ones.

Step 3: All the papers, which have to be submitted, can be presented at the registrar’s office as well as fill in the necessary forms.

Step 4: The marriage is recorded if none of the parties concerned comes forward to oppose it within 30-propound days.

Under the Special Marriage Act of 1954:

The following steps need to be completed to register for a marriage certificate under the Special Marriage Act, of 1954:-

Step 1: The Legal documents can be signed at the sub registrar’s office in either area of the residence of any of the partners.

Step 2: Complete a form and submit it to the registrar and then pay for the marriage ceremony and put in a 30-day notice.

Step 3: Once the meeting is held without any opposition from any member, the marriage is considered registered officially after 30 days.

Step 4: Marriage is by a marriage officer, and there is no need to hold any religious celebration of marriage.

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Documents Required

The list of important documents which will be asked to be presented are as follows:-

  • Consent as evidenced by both parties’ signatures on an application form

  • Identification in the form of a passport, birth certificate etc.

  • Original and photocopy of any one of the Identity proofs as prescribed by IT Act 2000 such as Voter ID, Aadhaar, etc.

  • This can be two passport-sized photos of both parties.

  • Photocopy of the wedding invitation card if ever available

  • Those who possess PAN card and proof of address identically

  • Copy or certified copy of a decree absolute of divorce or dissolution or certificate of no marriageable age obtained by the registrar of Civil Celebrant (if any).

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Steps To Check The Status Of Your Marriage Certificate

Here are the simple steps to check the status of your marriage certificate:

  • First of all, go to the official website of the government of the state in which you live.

  • Then it is necessary to find the link to the marriage registration on the portal of the corresponding state.

  • After that, click on the “Marriage Registration Status” link available on the website.

  • Then, type your application or acknowledgement number and press ‘submit’.

  • The current status of your application will be displayed on your device screen.

(It's important to note that the marriage date given by the registrar for a Hindu Marriage Act wedding is usually 15-30 days after submitting the application form. For a Special Marriage Act wedding, the date is around 60 days later.)

Read More: How To Obtain Your Birth Certificate: A Complete Guide


A Marriage certificate is legal proof of one's marriage and besides certifying the union, offers one legal rights that include rights over properties and visas. It doesn’t matter whether you signed your marriage under the Hindu Marriage Act or the Special Marriage Act: it remains important to monitor the progress of your certificate for legal and administrative purposes.

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Neha Gupta



Neha Gupta is an excellent and established writer with experience of 5+ years. With a background in Journalism and Media Communication, she has given time to researching, analysing, and constructing the best informative piece. She aims to inform and educate the citizens of India about government schemes and policies, Sarkari Yojanas, rules, and laws that make India the biggest democracy. She abides by the rule of ‘for the people, and by the people’, making sure that the Indian society no matter the domain, area, caste, or gender is aware of its rights and government services that make life and living easier. To learn about govt schemes, yojanas, policies, rules, and laws stay connected with Jaagruk Bharat. Follow us across Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and LinkedIn. ... Read more

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