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Updated: 24-12-2024 at 5:31 PM
Currently, the Indian government has put measures on the priority list to improve the data security of KYC records. Essentially all identity numbers, including Aadhaar, PAN, Voter ID, and Driving Licence numbers— shall be masked in order not to be the knowledge of the fraudsters. Previously planned for December 2024, the timeline for putting this change into effect has been moved to January 20, 2025. This effort is intended to enhance privacy protection for people and minimise paperwork for firms that deal with money.
The KYC masking system does not fully reveal the gathered data for clients to keep the clients’ identifiers as private as possible. All the KYC documents will display the last four digits of Aadhaar, PAN, Voter ID, and Driving Licence numbers only.
On or after January 20, 2025, the last four digits of these identifiers will only be displayed in the records of the KYC.
Full records of KYC are only accessible once financial institutions provide proof of their identity.
Logging with a masked identifier or CKYC reference ID will add a more secure layer of safety.
Also Read: Ration Card e-KYC: Complete Your e-KYC Before 31st December or Lose Ration Benefits.
The extension means flexibility to the new masking requirements by individuals and financial institutions. To understand it better, read the following points carefully:
Under its initial timeline, the go-live date was to be done on December 16, 2024; however, it will be implemented on January 20, 2025.
CKYCRR took this decision following the petition made by financial entities across the country.
The extension allows a proper transition and sufficient preparation period for entities preparing the reports.
Masking of identifiers will ensure that users’ data are not accessed or used by unauthorised persons. To understand it better, read the following points carefully:
Critical forms of identity, such as Aadhaar and PAN numbers, will be protected from being viewed by unauthorised persons.
The system mitigates aspects of identity theft and enhances the security of information.
Full records will only be accessible by institutions against their authentication details and therefore be restricted.
Also Read: PAN 2:0: What To Know, Change, Benefits & More
To see through these advancements, the REs need to ensure that they modify their systems to fit the new changes before the end of the financial year, 31st December 2024. To understand it better, read the following points carefully:
KYC data is to be accessed directly by the REs whose IP addresses are to be registered with the CKYCRR.
Through the change, KYC information will not be out of bounds to third-party service providers who had previously gained unauthorised access to the data.
This helps in making security measures tight in a way that only the people who are authorised to access the data will do so.
The new KYC masking system is a good move to protect the personal details of the people in the country. For all the stakeholders, it will be easier because the government has extended the deadline for the completion of the project to January 2025. This initiative also enhances privacy and restricts any third-party or unauthorised access to the information.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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