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Updated: 28-09-2024 at 8:35 AM
Women’s safety is a controversial topic not only in India but the world. Women have been facing, struggling, and battling with a dynamic range of issues such as gender-based violence, sexual harassment and abuse, discrimination, consistent condescending behavior from other people, and the list goes on. There are legal frameworks devised by the government to protect them but still every single day, women continue to fight those battles that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
Read More: India’s Soaring Rape & Violence Against Women: What The Nation Should Know In 2024?
The government of India has taken a step in the very same direction by increasing a security layer in the lives of women by launching the Women Helpline Scheme managed by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. The govt scheme is a part of a broader initiative of the National Mission for Empowerment of Women which is aimed to ensure that women feel protected no matter what time of the day or location it might be by introducing access to support and emergency services 24/7. Women can get the benefits under this scheme at the tap of a button by calling women safety toll free number 181.
The Women Helpline Scheme was curated attentively with numerous objectives such as:
Providing Immediate Assistance: The helpline launched under this govt scheme provides 24/7 availability for women facing any physical or psychological harm or threat to their lives. The helpline offers both physical assistance and counselling services for psychological problems.
A Gateway: The yojana acts as a gateway and connects women with the necessary services needed in uncertain situations like police assistance, medical support, access to shelter homes, and others.
Spreads Awareness: The scheme also aims to spread awareness to everyone about women’s rights and the ways of availing the schemes offered by the government for their betterment and ease.
Research: The helpline also works on identifying the type of calls received and their frequency to establish the correlation between the cause and effect of such incidents to further develop programs to prevent them.
The Women Helpline Scheme functions through a toll-free number, 181, which can be accessed by women across the country.
The helpline works in collaboration with emergency services such as the police force (100), ambulance services (108), and other needed services.
The calls that come in through the helpline are handled by professional counsellors and social workers to respond humanely, appropriately, swiftly, and empathetically. They are trained to handle a wide range of issues and provide aid accordingly.
The helpline also coordinates with the One-Stop Centers which is another safety scheme designed to help women experiencing violence.
To know the details read our article on One-Stop Centers: A Safety For Indian Women.
The Women Helpline Scheme has helped innumerable women across the country since the time it was launched. It provides a safe and confidential space for women to openly share whatever they might be experiencing and seek help by filing a report against it. The scheme has not only provided the needed services at the time but also saved lives.
However, one of the biggest challenges of this govt scheme is the lack of awareness among the general population, especially in rural areas and among marginalised communities. It is crucial to spread the word about the existence of this scheme so that they can make use of it in unsafe hours.
Read More: The Nari Niketan Scheme: Providing Support To The Women Of Jammu And Kashmir
The Women Helpline Scheme is one of the most essential schemes designed to make women’s lives easier and make them feel safe in their own country. The scheme strives to provide 24/7 aid to women in need and support them as much as they can.
If you’ve any queries, you can contact the Ministry of Women and Child Development through their official website.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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