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What Is Leprosy Pension Scheme In Uttar Pradesh? A Comprehensive Guide

Komal Bajpai


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 7:45 AM



Divyang Pension Scheme

To help leprosy-affected people, especially those who have developed disabilities as a result of the disease the Government of Uttar Pradesh has initiated the Leprosy Pension Scheme. This Sarkari scheme has social welfare payments as monthly financial support similar to the Jharkhand government Nishakatata Pension Yojana aiming to increase their quality of life. Through inclusion and care, the scheme meets the state’s efforts to increase the quality of life of people with disabilities(PwD).

Read More: Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act - RPwD Act

What Is The Leprosy Pension Scheme UP?

The Leprosy Pension Scheme is a social security measure by the government of Uttar Pradesh through which pension is provided to those affected by leprosy disease in the area. It delivers monthly pensions so that people can have a decent life and afford the necessities after retirement. This government scheme provides a grant-in-aid for the maintenance of persons with disabilities and leprosy, whose family income is not sufficient for them.


Scheme NameLeprosy Pension Scheme
Launched ByGovernment of Uttar Pradesh
Implemented ByDepartment of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities
Target BeneficiariesIndividuals disabled due to leprosy
Monthly Grant₹3000
Application ModeOnline


The main objective of the Leprosy pension scheme is taken as the facilitation of pensions for disabled leprosy patients. This initiative ensures their maintenance and aims to the following aspects:

  • Promote Social Inclusion: The scheme aims at helping those affected by leprosy to be accepted in society with respect.

  • Improve Living Standards: Offer scholarships to meet fundamental requirements such as buying nourishment, garments, and medicine.

  • Uplift Economically Vulnerable Groups: Support those individuals who are generally poor and cannot afford any basic needs.


This govt scheme provides wide-ranging advantages to the people who are suffering from this disease so that they can overcome the vulnerable state and should not depend on others.

  • Monthly Financial Assistance: Accordingly, The rate of grant for each beneficiary per month will be Rs. 3000/- who became disabled due to Leprosy.

  • Support for Leprosy-Affected Individuals: Furnishes economic security for people with disabilities caused by leprosy disease.

  • Improved Quality of Life: Provides beneficiaries with the basic needs that can help make a decent life.

What Are The Eligibility Criteria For The Leprosy Pension Scheme?

The following table showcases the main criteria which are required to be fulfilled for the applicants so that they can apply for this scheme:-

Residency RequirementMust be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh.
Disability Due to LeprosyApplicants should have any percentage of disability caused by leprosy.
Income CriteriaAnnual income should not exceed ₹56,460 for urban areas and ₹46,080 for rural areas.
Age GroupBeneficiaries can belong to any age group.
Non-recipients of Other PensionsApplicants should not be receiving benefits from other pension schemes.

Application Process For The Leprosy Pension Scheme

The application process for this government pension scheme is pretty simple, entirely online and involves the following steps, read the guidelines carefully to avoid any disparity in the application form:-

Step 1: Visit the Official Portal

  • Visit the official website that has been created by the government for the implementation of the scheme.

Step 2: Fill Out the Application Form

  • Enter correct personal details such as bank accounts and income.

Step 3: Specify Disability Details

  • Explain the three dimensions of disability associated with leprosy.

Step 4: Upload Required Documents

  • Scan and upload passport-size photographs, mark sheet (s), certificates etc.

Step 5: Submit the Form

  • Cheque every detail before submitting and waiting for confirmation from the appropriate quarters.

Documents Required

The following list contains the names of all the required documents, so applicants must provide the following documents to complete their application:

  • Recent coloured passport-size photo along with a photo identification proof.

  • Age identification or date of birth.

  • The Disability Certificate (any other document which verifies that the applicant is suffering from disability due to leprosy).


The Leprosy Pension Scheme reflects the Uttar Pradesh government’s commitment to empowering individuals affected by leprosy. By offering financial assistance and promoting social inclusion, the scheme aims to uplift marginalised communities and provide them with a chance to lead a better life. Eligible individuals should seize this opportunity to improve their living conditions and achieve financial stability.

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Komal Bajpai



Komal Bajpai is a seasoned content writer with 3 years of expertise in political journalism, specializing in crafting compelling press releases for government policies and schemes. Currently, she lends her talents as a Junior Content Writer at Jaagruk Bharat, where she continues to inform and engage the public with her insightful writing. She is a Certified Journalist with a graduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Lucknow and is currently studying Business Administration. Komal is a skilled writer who uses her talent to empower the citizens of India by bridging the gap between Indian society and GOI schemes, laws, policies, and yojanas.... Read more

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