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Updated: 28-01-2025 at 12:32 PM
MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme is an education programme of the Bihar government to grant students loans for higher studies. Launched in the year 2016. The objective of this govt scheme is to make sure that students do not miss out on their education because of the fees. Under this scheme, students can avail of a loan of up to ₹ 4 Lakh with lesser interest pressures.
Read the article to learn about the meaning, benefits, eligibility criteria, MBSSBY student login, MNSSBY subsequent payment status, and detailed application process for the MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Yojana.
Feature | Details |
Scheme Name | MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme |
Launched In | 2016 |
Maximum Loan Amount | ₹4 lakh |
Applicable For | Technical, Polytechnic, and General Courses |
Interest Rate for Special Categories | As low as 1% for Divyang, Girls, Transgender students |
Official Website | MNSSBY official website |
Loan Repayment Starts After | Completion of the course & securing a job |
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The MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme is a government loan scheme programmed by the government of Bihar in the year 2016. This scheme primarily aims at assisting students to undertake undergraduate or diploma courses without the fear of paying heavy fees and other related expenses. It enables students to avail of loan facilities of up to ₹4 lakh so that they do not drop out.
The MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme offers a range of features aimed at making higher education accessible to all students in Bihar. Below are the primary benefits:
Maximum Loan Limit of 4 Lakhs: People can avail of education loans up to and as much ₹4 lakhs to carry out expenditures towards education such as fees, books, laptops, and other related items.
Wide Courses of Study: The scheme is relevant for undergraduate degree courses which are technical or else polytechnic or general degrees.
Minimum Interest Rates: Special categories like Divyang, transgender, and girl students avail the rate of interest which is as low as 1%.
Simple Repayment: The repayment schedule of education loans commences only when the student completes his course and gets a job, thus ensuring ease of repayment during the period of study.
Flexible Purpose: The loan can be used in payment of tuition for studies, purchasing of study materials as well as hostel accommodation charges.
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For a student to be able to apply for the MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme, it is necessary to satisfy the following criteria:
To apply for the MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card, the following documents must be submitted:
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Applying for the MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme is simple. Here’s how you can do it:
Once you've successfully submitted your application for the MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card, it’s important to track the progress. You can easily check the status of your application online. Follow these simple steps to see where your application stands:
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Applicants can log in to their profiles by following some simple steps. MNSSBY student login is mentioned below in detail for one’s reference and understanding:
The MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card Scheme covers a variety of undergraduate, diploma, and technical courses, including but not limited to:
For a complete list of eligible courses and colleges, visit the official website MNSSBY Eligible Courses.
Students from every corner of the state have found that the MNSSBY Bihar Student Credit Card beneficial scheme has in particular made it easier for their preparation for education at a higher level. This is a very good initiative to provide higher education to everyone, irrespective of their financial status.
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Thank you for posting valuable information ✨
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Good portal for common man, very useful
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Jaagruk Bharat does a fantastic job of breaking down complex policies into easy-to-read articles and videos, ensuring accessibility for all citizens.
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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.
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Thank you very much for information ❤
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