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Top 10 Government Schemes In Maharashtra To Know In 2025

Komal Bajpai


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 7:46 AM



Government Schemes In Maharashtra

Maharashtra, a democratically developed state in the western part of India, provides many welfare facilities to its people. These steps are aimed at important segments of people’s lives where equity is provided, including education, finance, and social protection. Government Programmes that include scholarships for students or financial support for disabled people are among those that improve the quality of life after receiving the necessary amount of money.

In this article, you will get detailed information about the top 10 most essential and beneficial schemes of the Maharashtra government introduced for the betterment of the citizens.

Also Read: Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Jan Arogya Yojana


Scheme NameFocus Area
Savitribai Phule ScholarshipEducation for girls
Bhausaheb Fundkar Falbag Lagvad SchemeAgriculture and horticulture
Scholarships For Higher Education Abroad To Meritorious Boys And GirlsEducation for open-category students
Award Of Stipend To VJNT And SBC Students Studying In ITIVocational training
Grant In Aid To Old Age HomeSenior citizen welfare
Financial Assistance To Disabled For Self-EmploymentEmpowering disabled individuals
LIDCOM Education Loan SchemeEducation loans for backward classes
Gopinath Munde Shetkari Apghat Suraksha Sanugrah Audhan YojanaFarmers’ accident insurance
Mukhyamantri - Majhi Ladki Bahin YojanaEmpowerment of girls and women
Rajarshri Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj Merit ScholarshipMerit-based education scholarships

What Is The Need Of Government Schemes In Maharashtra?

The need for government schemes arises due to the various causes of poverty, unemployment and poor education in Maharashtra which is why the state deserves a segmented approach towards the delivery of welfare activities. These Sarkari schemes promote people’s growth in such a manner that they target all groups of society more than just BPL categories.

How These Government Schemes Are Changing the Citizen’s Lives?

These government schemes strengthen people by rendering financial, educational, and social support and by allowing them to exercise entrepreneurial opportunities independently. They also enhance livelihoods, revise inequalities, and stimulate the growth of the economy.

Also Read: Chief Minister Employment Generation Programme

Top 10 Sarkari Schemes Launched By Maharashtra Government

1. Savitribai Phule Scholarship:

The Savitribai Phule Scholarship is a state-sponsored scholarship that intends to support female candidates belonging to backward classes. The objective of this scholarship is to eliminate all the financial obstacles and difficulties that hinder girls from getting a quality education.

As the scheme provides financial support in meeting tuition fees as well as other costs that are associated with education, the girls coming from poor families get a chance to continue with their education without interruptions. This scheme helps eradicate illiteracy among females and plays a role in decreasing the literacy disparity between males and females.

2. Bhausaheb Fundkar Falbag Lagvad Scheme:

Bhausaheb Fundkar Falbag Lagvad Scheme provides finances and technical support to farmers for the development of orchard and horticulture farming. It also helps in the cultivation of quality crops such as fruits and flowers, which are well-demanded in the market. The programme prepares farmers for developed farming practices attracting them to buy essential inputs such as seedlings and fertilisers.

The purpose of the scheme is to increase the income of farmers in the Operating Division by encouraging horticulture and orchard farming. It is intended to increase the degree of variation in farming techniques, improve the quality of the crops, and facilitate sustainable farming in addition to rational land utilisation.

Also Read: A Comprehensive Overview Of Maharashtra's Stipend Programs

3. Scholarships For Higher Education Abroad To Meritorious Boys And Girls From Open Category:

This government program aims to facilitate opportunities in overseas education for meritorious students belonging to the open category. More than funding the tuition fee the govt scheme provides for the living expenses of the students as well as the travelling expenses which helps make education accessible for deserving students all over the world.

Scholarships for higher education abroad to meritorious boys and girls from the open category offer assistance to needy and merit students belonging to the open category of income. It motivates them to enrol for International qualifications; this promotes the sharpening of global skills and ensures that the competency they possess matches the competitive employment places worldwide.

4. Award Of Stipend To VJNT And SBC Students Studying In ITI:

Special emphasis is provided under this scheme for the skill development of students of Vimukta Jati and Nomadic Tribes (VJNT) as well as the Special Backward Classes (SBC). The stipend helps them come up with the costs of attending the Industrial Training Institute (ITI) every month.

The programme will target underprivileged students with the view of supporting vocational education and skills acquisition. Through the sponsorship of this education, the scheme improves their employment opportunity and hence improves their quality of livelihoods.

5. Grant In Aid To Old Age Home:

Grant in aid to old age homes funds scholarships for old age homes’ enhancement, as well as aiming at the overall enhancement of the senior populations living in the Maharashtra state. The funds provided under this scheme cater for basic needs ranging from food and health care to uses that would help lead a dignified life for the elderly residents.

The first and foremost objective is to protect the rights and interests of elderly people living in old age homes. The Sarkari scheme establishes a perception of safety and honour of the older persons besides fulfilling their physical, emotional and social requirements.

6. Financial Assistance To Disabled For Self-Employment:

This programme provides financial assistance to those with a disability to engage in trade or be economically productive. To fund these, the financial assistance to the disabled for self-employment scheme offers concessional loans(loans on extra low interest rates) and grants for them to develop income-generating activities. The intended outcome of the programme is to promote economic independence of the differently-abled people through employment and self-employment. The goal is to assimilate them into a steady productive economy to lift their standards via effective money earning.

Also Read: All About The Shaasan Aplya Dari Scheme: Government At Your Doorstep

7. LIDCOM Education Loan Scheme:

The students belonging to the economically weaker sections of society receive education loans at low interest rates to enable him/her to study further. Flexible repayable terms cater for tuition fees, accommodation and other related costs promoting quality education. LIDCOM education loan scheme plans to assist students with the programmes and courses that can be helpful to achieve their academic dreams.

This government scheme brings quality procedures in higher learning institutions to the students from the marginalised groups thereby enabling them to access better employment opportunities. The scheme also decreases the burden in terms of expenses for families.

8. Gopinath Munde Shetkari Apghat Suraksha Sanugrah Audhan Yojana:

This scheme offers monetary compensation to the families of farmers who die in an accident. Gopinath Munde Shetkari Apghat Suraksha Sanugrah Audhan Yojana involves free insurance for the death of accidental causes, and the compensation includes the provision of funds for a funeral. The main purpose is to offer protection to farming families in case of accidental death of their members. It guarantees the sustainability of economic stability and also minimises the effects of losing the bread earner.

9. Mukhyamantri - Majhi Ladki Bahin Yojana:

Mukhyamantri-Majjhi Ladki Bahin Yojana has the goal of improving education and the welfare of girls child and women. It provides scholarships and grants to girls in various classes and has programmes on health issues as well as the general welfare of women.

The work done under the scheme aims at protecting women and assisting families to take their daughters to school and be well taken care of. It speaks to gender equality in education and women’s socio-economic status.

10. Rajarshri Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj Merit Scholarship:

This is a scholarship award given to brilliant and needy students. Rajashri Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj Merit Scholarship assists with educational costs including fees for tuition and related materials that would allow the students to get scholarships without any worry.

The aim is to celebrate outstanding performance in classes, especially among the less privileged students from disadvantaged backgrounds. In this respect, the scheme ensures that students receive the financial support they need to achieve good grades and achieve their career goals in the process.

Also Read: MAHABOCW: Maharashtra Bandhkam Kamgar Yojana

What More Can Be Done?

The government can improve the delivery of these schemes through effective awareness programmes; increase funding; and develop possible online portals for access as well as application.

Challenges And Future Prospects

ChallengesFuture Prospects
Rural areas lack sufficient knowledge about the existing schemesTo make use of applications as simple as possible more digitalisation needs to be carried out.
High measures of bureaucratization in the processes of applications.More contracting-out with private sources of finance.
Insufficient funding to support the set budgetary norms for selective schemes.Frequency of the changes on schemes according to such new requirements.


The ten most popular Sarkari Yojanas in Maharashtra demonstrate the government’s concern for its people. These government schemes covers important sectors such as education, agriculture and social welfare, to support sustainable development. With a greater focus on outreach and solutions for current barriers, such efforts can enhance the impact on the lives of people & spur greater inclusion.

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A very helpful website that aggregates and simplifies government guidelines, providing clear information in various languages for better public understanding.

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More from the Author

Komal Bajpai



Komal Bajpai is a seasoned content writer with 3 years of expertise in political journalism, specializing in crafting compelling press releases for government policies and schemes. Currently, she lends her talents as a Junior Content Writer at Jaagruk Bharat, where she continues to inform and engage the public with her insightful writing. She is a Certified Journalist with a graduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of Lucknow and is currently studying Business Administration. Komal is a skilled writer who uses her talent to empower the citizens of India by bridging the gap between Indian society and GOI schemes, laws, policies, and yojanas.... Read more

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