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What is the OCI Card (Overseas Citizenship Of India)?

Alankar Mishra


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 7:45 AM



Overseas Citizen Of India OCI Card

The OCI card has many advantages. It allows its holder to visit, reside or work in India for life without needing to apply for a visa. It has the same benefits as an Indian citizen. However, it does not extend to political privileges such as the right to vote or to assume any political roles, thereby protecting the rights and obligations balance. This appeals to people who want to stay in touch with their heritage while living overseas.

This article discusses in detail the features of the OCI card, its advantages, where and how one can obtain it, as well as its limitations.

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What Is An OCI Card?

A person can get an OCI card through the Ministry of Overseas Affairs. The card provides key benefits like a free visa and the right to live in India permanently. Introduced in 2005, the OCI card does not grant Indian citizenship but allows overseas citizens of Indian origin to stay connected with the country. It is ideal for those wanting to maintain a link with their Indian heritage.


Full FormOverseas Citizenship of India
Launch Year2005
EligibilityIndividuals of Indian origin or their children, grandchildren, or spouses
Key BenefitsVisa-free travel, long-term stay, employment rights, financial and educational benefits
RestrictionsNo voting rights, no constitutional posts, restricted missionary/journalistic work
ValidityIndefinite, with periodic updates for passport details
Application FeeVaries by country
Documents NeededProof of Indian origin, current citizenship, photograph, and additional supporting docs
Application ProcessOnline
Renewal RequirementNecessary for passport updates or address/marital status changes

Key Features

The Overseas Citizen of India (OCI) card provides a host of opportunities and advantages for persons of Indian origin residing in foreign countries. It enables hassle-free travel to India, besides availing several opportunities without having to go through the hassle of applying for a regular visa. Following are some of the key features of the OCI card:

  • Visa-Free Travel: Uninterrupted access to India without the requirement of any visa.

  • Never Ending Access: Not required to be renewed at regular intervals other than the passport or personal detail changes.

  • Multiple Benefits: Economic, educational, professional, etc.


The OCI card has several advantages that help to strengthen the connection of people of Indian origin with India. It provides the ability to move freely, as well as travel, work, and enjoy financial and education opportunities. Here are some key benefits of the Overseas Citizens of India card:

  • Travel Freedom: No visa is required to enter as well as exit India.

  • Employment Rights: You are licensed to work in specific areas such as medicine, law, and accounting.

  • Financial Privileges: Open a bank account, acquire non-agricultural land, and more.

  • Education Opportunities: Rights on par with NRIs concerning education admission.

  • Domestic Equality: The Overseas Citizens of India (OCI) holders are subjected to the same universal airfare for domestic flights as Indian nationals.


The OCI card offers indefinite validity, but holders must update details like a new passport number, address, or marital status as needed.


The OCI card is granted to people of Indian origin and their relatives. It enables them to establish contact with India and avail of several benefits. Below are the main eligibility criteria for getting an OCI card:

  • Any foreign national who was a citizen of India on or after the 26th of January, 1950.

  • A person who has an Indian citizen parent and/or grandparent.

  • An Indian citizen or a person of Indian origin’s spouse (conditions of eligibility apply).

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Application Process

Applying for an OCI card is a straightforward process that can be done online. It involves submitting documents, paying fees, and attending a biometric appointment. Here are the steps to apply for an OCI card:

Step 1: Visit the OCI Services Portal and fill out the application form.

Step 2: Upload supporting documents like proof of Indian origin and current citizenship.

Step 3: Pay the applicable fees online.

Step 4: Schedule and attend a biometric verification at your nearest Indian mission or consulate.

Step 5: It typically takes 4-6 weeks after biometric submission for the card to process.

Documents Needed

To apply for an OCI card, you need to provide certain documents that prove your Indian connection and current citizenship. These documents help verify your eligibility for the card. Here is the list of documents required:

How to Update Address or Marital Status

If your address or marital status changes, you can update these details on your OCI card easily. The process involves submitting a request online with the necessary documents. Follow these simple steps to update your information:

Step 1: Log in to the OCI Services Portal.

Step 2: Submit a request to update details.

Step 3: Upload supporting documents (e.g., address proof, new marriage certificate).

Step 4: Pay applicable fees, if required.

Renewal Process

The OCI card doesn’t need to be renewed often, but some updates are required in certain cases. These updates make sure your card stays valid and matches your latest details. Here are the situations when updates are needed:

  • Issuance of a new passport (for individuals under 20 or over 50 years of age).

  • Changes in marital status or address.

Rights and Restrictions For OCI Card Holders

OCI card holders enjoy many rights, but there are some restrictions too. While they can travel, live, and work in India easily, certain activities are not allowed. Here are the main rights and restrictions for OCI cardholders:


  • Visa-free travel and residence.

  • Financial, educational, and professional equality with NRIs.


  • No voting rights or eligibility for government jobs.

  • Cannot purchase agricultural land.

  • Permission is needed for specific activities like missionary work or journalism.

Difference Between OCI Card vs. Indian Citizenship

An OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) card and Indian citizenship have some key differences in rights and privileges. While both offer benefits, they are not the same. Here's a simple comparison:

FeatureOCI CardIndian Citizenship
Voting RightsNot allowedAllowed
Constitutional PostsNot allowedAllowed
Dual CitizenshipNot providedFull Indian citizenship
Property OwnershipLimited (except agricultural land)Unlimited

Difference Between OCI And NRI

While OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) cardholders and NRIs (Non-Resident Indians) share ties to India, they differ regarding legal status, rights, and obligations. Here’s a comparison:

FeatureOCI CardholderNRI (Non-Resident Indian)
Citizenship StatusNot a citizen of India; holds citizenship of another countryIndian citizen residing outside India
Visa RequirementsVisa-free travel and stay in IndiaNo visa needed; holds an Indian passport
Property OwnershipCan own property except agricultural landCan own any property in India
Voting RightsNot allowedAllowed to vote in Indian elections if physically present at the polling booth
Government JobsIneligible for government positions or constitutional postsEligible for government jobs in India
Banking PrivilegesCan open NRO and NRE accountsCan open NRO, NRE, and FCNR accounts
EmploymentCan work in private sectors; restrictions apply in government sectorsFree to work in any sector, including government jobs
Income Tax StatusTaxed only on income generated within IndiaTaxed based on residency and global income
Validity of StatusLifetime, subject to updates for passport and personal detailsDependent on Indian citizenship


As per the Indian government policies, the OCI card works only in favour of overseas Indians. It holds plenty of benefits in terms of no visa requirements, and offers free movement and working rights, but has some limitations too. A clear understanding of what it encompasses and how to apply for it makes the process easy for qualified applicants.

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22 January 2025

Really appreciate the Information provided.Let me give some feedback,people are facing enormous problem while applying for Ocd card, specially vancouver ,canada.pleaser look in to it.


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Alankar Mishra



Alankar Mishra is a seasoned content writer with 3 years of experience in writing and content marketing. He is passionate about helping people understand government policies and how they affect their lives. He is committed to providing accurate, unbiased information on Jagruk Bharat, where he breaks down complicated government rules into easy-to-understand language, helping people learn about their rights and responsibilities. He believes that everyone should be informed about government policies and works to bridge the gap between the government and the people. He is particularly interested in social welfare programs, economic reforms, and environmental regulations. He uses his writing skills to explain these important issues clearly and helpfully. For information on government schemes, policies, and updates, follow Jagruk Bharat on Twitter and LinkedIn. ... Read more

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