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Ujjawala Scheme : Helping Victims Of Trafficking



Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:50 AM



Ujjawala Scheme : Helping Victims Of Trafficking

Our society deals with a very big problem in the form of trafficking for sexual exploitation of women. The state agencies work religiously to bust rackets and persons involved in these cases to prevent trafficking and save women. This is where the Ujjawala scheme for women’s safety comes into play.

However, saving the victim does not end the entire process as these victims find it difficult to blend into society as many times the society and even their families do not accept them. The stigma around such women needs to be removed in society. For this purpose, the government introduced the Ujjawala scheme, a women’s safety scheme. Let us read more about this govt scheme.

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What Is The Ujjawala Scheme For Victims Of Trafficking?

The Ujjawala Scheme for victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development under the Government of India. This govt scheme was launched in 2007 to put a full stop to trafficking of women and children.

The Ujjawala scheme is based on 5 pillars which are its functions and goals. The government scheme focuses on these 5 pillars and also works in furtherance of them. The functions of the Ujjawala Scheme are:

  • Rescue

  • Prevention

  • Rehabilitation

  • Re-integration and

  • Repatriation

Read More: Providing Support To Women Facing Violence With The One Stop Centre Scheme!

What Are The Objectives Of The Ujjawala Scheme?

The Ujjawala scheme works to help the victims of trafficking lead a better and normal life by including them in society. For this purpose, the government has engaged multiple implementing agencies which take up initiatives to help this concern. The objectives of this govt scheme are:

  • Organising seminars, workshops, programmes and awareness generation camps to prevent human trafficking of women and children for commercial purposes by engaging the society and the public.

  • Rescuing victims and taking care of them in safe custody.

  • Helping victims in rehabilitating by providing them with basic living amenities such as medical facilities, shelter and food.

  • Helping and reuniting the victims with their families and society.

  • Helping victims of cross-border trafficking reach their home country safely.

Read More: Empowering Women In Difficult Circumstances: The Swadhar Greh Scheme 2024

What Are The Implementing Agencies Under The Ujjawala Scheme?

The government has designated specific agencies and offices to undertake the objectives of this govt scheme. However, voluntary organisations can also offer their services and volunteer to be a part of this government scheme. The implementing agencies under this Yojana are:

  • Women and Child Welfare Department or Social Welfare Department of State Government

  • Women’s Development Corporations/Centres

  • Urban Local Bodies

  • Renowned Public-Private Trusts

  • Voluntary Organisations

What Is The Eligibility Criteria For Being An Implementing Agency Under The Ujjawala Scheme?

The eligibility criteria to be an implementing agency under the Ujjawala scheme are:

  • The organisation should be registered under the law and must have a managing body with its powers and functions clearly in sync with the guidelines and framework laid down in the Constitution for such bodies.

  • The agency should not have the primary motive of gaining profit from any individual or group

  • Post-registration of the organisation minimum of 3 years of experience is a must.

  • The organisation should be financially sound with proper availability of resources and experienced personnel to handle sensitive issues.

Read More: Mai Bhago Istri Shakti Scheme | India And Its Step Ahead On Equality


The Ujjawala scheme is a great reformative and rehabilitative measure of the government of India. With this govt scheme, many women and children who have been trafficked and exploited will be able to start fresh lives and live a life full of respect.

For more information about this govt scheme, you can reach out to the Ministry of Women and Child Development by accessing their official website.

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Samridhi is a seasoned content and digital marketer with a knack for turning even complex ideas into relatable stories. With years of experience under her belt, she specialises in helping readers navigate the often confusing world of government policies with ease. She believes understanding your rights should not seem like cracking a secret code. Samridhi is dedicated to making sure everyone, from curious, budding entrepreneurs to senior citizens, feels informed about their rights and responsibilities. Samridhi believes that knowledge is power, and her work isn’t merely about delivering the facts but also making them resonate at everyone’s level. Her interests lie particularly in social welfare programs, economic issues, and other critical issues. Follow Jaagruk Bharat on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest news and insights on government policies and schemes. ... Read more

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