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Apply For A Death Certificate Online? Here Is The Complete Guide!

Pragya Pathak


Updated: 28-01-2025 at 6:43 AM



Apply For A Death Certificate Online? Here Is The Complete Guide!

A government document officially declaring that someone has died is referred to as a death certificate. The date, time, place, and cause of the death are disclosed in the document. It is among the most important documents required for purposes that involve legality and finance upon losing someone dear.

A certificate of death is a vital record that formally documents the passing of an individual. It becomes necessary in legal matters such as inheritance, insurance claims, and closing bank accounts. This blog will walk you through the entire process in case you want to know how to apply for a death certificate online.

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Name of the certificateDeath Certificate
Issued byLocal municipal office
Issuing Started In1969
ObjectiveLegal proof of death for settling legal, financial, and other matters of the deceased
Registration time frameWithin 21 days of the death of the deceased
Registration feesRs. 10 - Rs. 20 if applied for within 21 days of the death of the deceased and Rs. 25 - Rs. 100 after 21 days
Application modeOnline/Offline

Need & Uses Of A Death Certificate

A death certificate is crucial to have after someone’s unfortunate demise. Some of its major benefits are listed below:

  • Legal proof of death: A death certificate provides official proof of an individual’s death issued by the government.

  • Property settlement: The certificate allows related people of the deceased to do legal settlement of assets and properties.

  • Life insurance: Insurance companies need a death certificate of the policyholder to disburse the funds of their policy to the related people.

  • Pension claims: To claim and transfer govt or private pension schemes, related people of the deceased need the death certificate of the deceased.

  • Inheritance: Legal heirs need the death certificate of the deceased to establish their right to inheritance and claim their assets.

Application Process

The process of applying for a death certificate online is quite easy. Here’s how:

  • Visit Their Official Website: To begin with, access the official website where birth and death registration occurs within your state or region.

  • Complete an Application Form: Locate where you can request/apply for a death certificate. Primary information about the departed such as full name, date, place of demise, etc. should be filled in this form.

  • Provide Supporting Documents: These may include medical certificates stating the cause of death or any other relevant recommendations

  • Submit Your Request: Once all details have been entered by you together with uploading all necessary papers, your application form can then be submitted while also keeping track of its reference number which will help you know about it in future when needed.

  • Pay Fees: You may have to pay some nominal charges attached to the application either by using digital modes available online payment options or others.

  • Get Your Certificate: The confirmation will be sent out after the verification process has been completed usually electronically downloadable from the net otherwise might be posted at the registered address.

Read More: The Aftermath: Managing Aadhaar And PAN Cards After Death!

Documents Required

Applicants need to submit certain supporting documents to successfully apply for a death certificate. The list of documents is as follows:

  • Identity proof

  • Proof of death

  • Discharge report from the hospital

  • Affidavit of the details of the deceased and the relationship with the applicant

  • Proof of relationship

  • Proof of residency

  • Burial certificate

How Is A Missing Person Death Recorded?

A missing person’s death is recorded through a complex legal process which involves several steps like:

  • Filing a missing person’s report.

  • Authorities investigate to trace the missing person.

  • If the missing person isn’t found within 7 years, the court declares the missing person dead and issues a death certificate.

How Natural Death Is Recorded?

The process of recording someone’s natural death is simple:

  • The medical certificate is issued for the deceased.

  • Death must be reported to the local municipal authorities within 21 days of the death of the deceased.

  • The family applies for a death certificate for the deceased.

  • A death certificate is issued after verification.

Read More: Aadhaar And PAN Cards After Death

Searching Death Record By Name

If you need access to someone's death record search by name, just do it online:

  • Go To The Government Portal: Go straight into the official portal for birth and death registration.

  • Select Search For Death Record: Find where you can search for a death record.

  • Enter The Details: In addition to the name, enter other details like date of death and place to narrow down your research.

  • View Your Results: You have already entered the name; check if there is any certificate associated with it by viewing the results.

Read More: Pramaan: Get Your Digital Life Certificate Easily

How Can You Check The Death Certificate Online?

Checking if the status of your application for a certificate of death is available online can be done by:

  • Visit Their Website: Make sure that you visit the official site again as when you were applying for a death certificate.

  • Check The Status: Use either reference or application numbers given upon submission to track its progress.

  • Download And Print It: Once issued, such certificates will be available for download directly from the website.

Registration Fees For Death Certificate

Rs. 10 to Rs. 20 are charged if an application for a death certificate is submitted within 21 days of the death of the deceased and Rs. 25 - Rs. 100 if the application for a death certificate is submitted after 21 days.

How To Make Changes To A Death Certificate?

If there are any errors or changes to be made in a death certificate, individuals can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Visit the local municipal office.

  • Fill out an application form requesting the corrections.

  • Attach the supporting documents.

  • Pay the nominal fees required for corrections.

  • Submit the form and wait for approval.

Delayed registration for a death certificate

If the death of a deceased isn’t registered within the prescribed time of 21 days, applicants need to face a more complex process involving:

  • Delayed registration (21 to 30 days): Applications can be submitted by paying a nominal fee.

  • Delayed registration (30 days to 1 year): Applicants need to obtain written permission by submitting some supporting documents to the local registrar.

  • Delayed registration (more than a year): Applicants need a court order to obtain a death certificate.

Read More: Download Your Aadhaar Card: A Step-by-Step Guide


The process of obtaining a death certificate is simple and can be carried out over the Internet. Whether you want to replace a lost one, search for a certain one, or track your application, the procedure is uncomplicated and customer-friendly. Notably, this document must be there during times when families have lost their people as it will help them in the management of various legal and financial matters.

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Pragya Pathak



Pragya is on the path of becoming a Clinical Forensic Psychologist. She has pursued her Post Graduation from Rashtriya Raksha University. Currently she is working towards various prestigious exams like NET, GATE, & M.Phil and aims to be not only an empathetic psychotherapist but also contribute towards transforming the existing condition of the field of psychology in India.... Read more

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